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Virtual Cart Girls...

Wed, Sep 11 2013 9:12 PM (4 replies)
  • xntrick
    11 Posts
    Tue, Sep 10 2013 10:29 PM

       As in the real world of golf, some players want to be great and win all the trophies and money, and the rest are hacks, like myself,  and just want to have fun and not be to serious.    

      So I propose the 'Virtual Cart Girl'.  She serves drinks (how many beer drinking golfers?) and says funny things like Siri.  You pay for her appearance (only those that choose to pay x credits can see and interact with her) maybe unlock at a certain level?

    Maybe you play alternate shot for drinks, or loser buys a round with friends.  The drink appears on the side of your bag with a message 'from', and costs x credits per drink.

    Anyway, as I sit here (drinking) and playing Pebble Beach, it sure would be a nice touch!  Just a silly idea....

                                                                 Thanks for your consideration,





  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Sep 11 2013 2:37 AM

    * Bites Tongue*, I will be nice, I will be nice.

    Great idea ........................are you related to Gearhy too?

    Edit - Great name btw

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Sep 11 2013 2:37 AM

    can't help but like your style...funny

    As for how much it would have to do with virtual golf or chances of happening.......classic:)

  • xntrick
    11 Posts
    Wed, Sep 11 2013 10:00 AM


      Sorry about you biting your tongue.  Can I buy you a drink?  Where... is... that... cartgirl?

      And, no,  I am not related to anyone on here.  Don't know a Gearhy...

      Off to play golf in the REAL world,  where they have REAL cart girls and REAL drinks...




  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Wed, Sep 11 2013 9:12 PM

    are you related to Gearhy too?

    LMAO :-)