The communities feedback is needed on this idea.
I had an idea for WGT to make a purple light to let CC players know
their playing partners are online and are ready to play their in Club
A green light means a player is online, and a friend sends an invite for a multi-player game, but sometimes in actuality, the player is just online waiting for a playing partner to get a CC match in.
The purple light will let all players know they're waiting for their CC playing partner, or a CC vs CC playing partner. This purple light will be easier for each player to identify that they're ready for their match.
As it is now, players have to give a reason why they can't accept a random invite from a friend, and then a player looks like they're not interested which sometimes leaves a bad taste in the mouth of the person who tried to invite.
In the end, the purple light will let the community know what it's intentions are for.