WGTicon:it has to do with certain permissions and access,
in other words, non profitable programing.
WGTicon:so I don't know if it can be done
when it comes to programming, ANYTHING's possible
and once you've established that, all that remains
is prioritizing your man power.
in other words, you'd rather have your programmers
make some more ridiculously expansive clubs and balls,
that will pay for themselves within a day, rather than fixing non critical bugs
(like mulligan replays & 9 hole rounds showing as 18)
or adding features like co-captaincy that require some elbow grease.
I mean, hell, why bother, when you can just ignore old requests
that keep popping up or sum it up with some arbitrary response
like "it can't be done", it can be done, it can be done by morning!
it's all about priority. and sadly right now, priority is about
skewing our game and selling us more overpriced virtual clubs
that will lose their original attributes when the next shiny new clubs come out.
* as always, nothing personal aimed at you icon,
talking about your bosses there.