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time to shake my head

rated by 0 users
Sat, Sep 14 2013 8:28 PM (3 replies)
  • bnrbambam
    52 Posts
    Sat, Sep 14 2013 3:38 PM

    I posted something like this on my clubs forum, I hope, wgt, might think about this. I was sent a notice about the new MAX club set so I thought I'd take a look. Everything look very interesting and I thought I might get the set. I needed to get some cash cause the $65.00 price tag was up there so I checked my bag and see what clubs I could trade-in to help pay for this new set of clubs. It appears that I have 1 putt and 3 wedges that have any value for trade-in on them. The rest of the clubs in my bag have no value what so ever to put towards any set of clubs. I like this game very much and I've put my plastic on the line several times over the last 3 or more years that I've been enjoying myself on the best golf video game out there. I wish wgt would take a look at there trade-in value constitutions and open the vault a little so the higher end products have some value to trade-in with. I don't want to fell like I'm at the point that everything I want to buy is going to come directly out of my pocket. I know one or two guys gets to this point and for every one of us there maybe hundreds of new players coming on board this fun game. All I'm asking is to loosen up the trade-in values on all clubs bought so us not so fortunate can continue to play with the new products that keep coming out.


    at O Canada CC(forum)

  • riskplayer
    253 Posts
    Sat, Sep 14 2013 6:04 PM

    There are ways to earn creds.  Some people here have never spent a dime and have high level equipment.

  • QuickRounds
    15 Posts
    Sat, Sep 14 2013 8:28 PM

    Indeed, watch video's or take surveys OR subscrible to magazines/buy products/check your credit/apply for credit card etc. have REALLY nice credits IF you qualify. Just check under get credits under the BIG ad above (it is under get credits) called appropiately Get Free Credits.

    Cheers and Enjoy those new clubs soon!!