Over the last few days my account was disabled for some reason. I never received an email for a reason or anything like that. I was able to log in today and checked to see if the Michelin Challenge had the payouts yet. I was T-3 or T-4. They have been delt. I was removed from that leaderboard and never received my payout. Something seems off here.
I have been watching those leader boards and others as well, and it seems the current winner of that tier has been handed that 1 and at least 1 other rather gracious payout. Not sure what's going on there. The only explanation I came up with goes out the window when looking at those payouts. I assume someone took a look at the various leader boards with a rather archaic set of eyes and opinion and knocked off the top 3 without looking much further down the list.
As far as you go, only crime I see you guilty of is maybe sandbagging for the last 4 years, but 4 weeks ago I assume something suddenly clicked. Although it does correspond with the purchase of some good equipment and that explains that sufficiently.
Personally I see no reason for you to have been thrown off the leader board.
But, sorry to say, I'm just a nobody, sorry about your luck, but then again luck really had no part.
You sir have been corn holed.