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Practice options

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Fri, Sep 20 2013 11:28 AM (4 replies)
  • Covenant
    1,498 Posts
    Thu, Sep 19 2013 10:57 PM

    With the possibility to use the mulligan i would love a No Wind option and also the championship greens option in practice play

    I would really go back to the drawing board to improve my game . In No Wind i would be able to set a base line for my shots and as tourlegend and ultimate crap at champ greens, it would massively help me out to really get a grip on those greens.


    And isn't the combination of practice and real games the base of every sport, but should you not be able to use every option available?

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Sep 20 2013 2:50 AM

    And isn't the combination of practice and real games the base of every sport, but should you not be able to use every option available?
    A nice daydream...

    WGT has explained long ago that there will be no practice facilities. Official reason: To keep the cores "up". Inofficially, IMHO: More revenue through less effective practice on the courses.

    Now they added the Mulligan as a practice feature, at the cost of extra ball life consumption. I seriously doubt that we'll get much more.

    I wish you nice dreams!

  • Covenant
    1,498 Posts
    Fri, Sep 20 2013 3:02 AM

    I dont need  an extra facility, that was solved by the mulligan, but i want No Wind and Championship grees added to the rest of the options

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Fri, Sep 20 2013 3:12 AM

    There is wind in real life whether you are at the driving range, practicing on the course, or playing in a major championship.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Fri, Sep 20 2013 11:28 AM


    There is wind in real life whether you are at the driving range, practicing on the course, or playing in a major championship.

    I many locals it is not windy every day, and wind may not blow all day.

    Plus, we have no control over real weather.

    I often practiced or played early in the day because wind, if any, tends to be stronger in the afternoons and early evenings.

    Since WGT is a online virtual game, having a practice round no wind option would be quite useful.