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Taking balls out of play way before they would be wore out !

rated by 0 users
Tue, Sep 24 2013 3:42 PM (8 replies)
  • Sprocket696969
    8 Posts
    Mon, Sep 23 2013 3:47 PM

    I can understand taking a ball out of play after a while /  but taking them out of play like this game is setup for is ridiulous , a golf ball lasts alot longer then a few rounds of golf , seriously , this needs to be changed unless you want to start losing players on here !!!!

  • TNP56
    510 Posts
    Mon, Sep 23 2013 5:35 PM

    It's the way it is here and always will be......this site has to make revenue to continue to produce the courses on here......each course on here cost hundreds of thousands of dollars each because of the equipment and time involved to produce them.

    It is the BEST golf game period........if you disagree with the way things are done here you can go play somewhere else.....but please don't come on the forums to rant & rave about things you don't like,  we try to keep it positive here ok ?

  • sweetspott
    26,443 Posts
    Mon, Sep 23 2013 6:51 PM



    It's the way it is here and always will be......this site has to make revenue to continue to produce the courses on here......each course on here cost hundreds of thousands of dollars each because of the equipment and time involved to produce them.

    It is the BEST golf game period........if you disagree with the way things are done here you can go play somewhere else.....but please don't come on the forums to rant & rave about things you don't like,  we try to keep it positive here ok ?


  • sweetspott
    26,443 Posts
    Mon, Sep 23 2013 6:51 PM



  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Sep 23 2013 7:22 PM

    a golf ball lasts alot longer then a few rounds of golf
    Doing this comparison, you should include the other costs: Gloves, shoes, travelling, bar... against computer mouse, home-made coffee etc.

    And if this game is still too expensive for your taste, get cheaper balls or even Starters - the running expenses are in your hand.

    Seriously: I consider your balls to be too expensive compared to the clubs.
    Tour SDs or Srixons might do as well.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Tue, Sep 24 2013 12:06 PM


    I can understand taking a ball out of play after a while /  but taking them out of play like this game is setup for is ridiulous , a golf ball lasts alot longer then a few rounds of golf , seriously , this needs to be changed unless you want to start losing players on here !!!!

    Bye! Bye!

    With their ball usage set up, WGT has gained 10's of thousands more players than they have lost. So threatening to leave won't be effective. 

    Back when I played golf regularly and maintained a handicap, I only played a ball for 6 holes (1 sleeve of balls per 18 hole round) .

    After 6 holes, those balls that were still round became practice balls, and after being stored for 3 months, went in my shag bag to replace older practice balls.

    I used a ball gauge to check ball roundness -

    Rather than just throw away the older practice balls I would hit them at the driving range to add them to the range balls.

    When I do play real golf  today I play Titleist Pro V1 balls that cost me $11.00 a sleeve.

    So at 450 credits ($4.50) a sleeve, the Nike balls I play here seems like a real bargain because I can play 1 ball for an entire round and don't have to be concerned with the ball being damaged in any way, or being out of round.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Sep 24 2013 2:45 PM


    Back when I played golf regularly and maintained a handicap, I only played a ball for 6 holes (1 sleeve of balls per 18 hole round) .

    After 6 holes, those balls that were still round became practice balls, and after being stored for 3 months, went in my shag bag to replace older practice balls.

    What were your further costs - greenfee, gloves, beverages, transport?

    Don't forget these in a direct comparison.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Tue, Sep 24 2013 3:42 PM

    The balls that have a small amount of life left are perfect for CTTH games...especially at Wolf Creek...that is how I use them up.