This guy is having headaches that he can't stand, so his wife sends him to the doctor.
The Doc gives him a thorough exam and can find nothing wrong with the guy, so he gives him a pill to take. After a short time the headache ceases, so the Doc writes him a prescription for the pills. He stops by the pharmacy and pays $250 for the pills.
On the way back home he is feeling so good that he decides to treat himself to a new suit. He stops by the tailor and tells him what he wants. The tailor looks at him and says, "You wear 36 x 31 trousers, and a 46 regular jacket."
The guy says, "Wait just a second. I wear 32 x 30 trousers and a 44 regular jacket."
The tailor says, "I have been in this business for 45 years and I know you don't wear 32 x 30 trousers. If you did it would cram you *** up into you body and give you the damnedest headaches you ever felt."