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Match Play Etiquette: Leaving a tied game

rated by 0 users
Sat, Oct 19 2013 10:12 PM (4 replies)
  • ButchUndies
    29 Posts
    Sat, Oct 19 2013 8:09 PM

    Earlier today, for the third time in the last couple of weeks, I had an opponent who had to leave a tied 9-hole match play round during sudden death.

    These were not the typical cases of people rage quitting because of a bad shot or to avoid a loss, in all three cases the people were friendly and apologetic.  They simply explained that they were sorry but they were out of time and had to leave the match to attend to real life matters, such as having to go to work.  I have no reason to doubt any of them.

    I'm not angry, but I am definitely annoyed that in each case they requested to drop the match.  Rather than put up a stink, I reluctantly accepted and the matches ended, and I had nothing to show for it other than reduced ball durability.  These were not quick rounds either, I didn't time them but in each case we were 3 to 7 holes into the tiebreaker.  12 to 16 holes of match play can take awhile, probably close to an hour each.

    But wasted time isn't a big deal, I was wasting time anyway, what really bothers me is that if the situation were reversed and I was the one who had to leave early, I would forfeit the match without hesitation. I absolutely would not even consider requesting to drop the match.  

    I have not played a lot of multiplayer, as of today I have only played about a dozen match play rounds with strangers, so from my perspective it seems like this happens all the time.  Is this common, or have I just been unlucky?  In each case we were equally skilled and playing well, going tit for tat, who would have won the match was a tossup so I am not seeing any obvious strategy, manipulation, or cheating going on here.

    I'm interested in hearing how other players here have or would handle a situation like this.

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Sat, Oct 19 2013 8:37 PM

    I rarely do MP anymore...but...if it was just a scored game, then I'd have no issues dropping it...if for credits, I'd tell them "sorry...stay or pay", unless it was a friend of mine.

  • ButchUndies
    29 Posts
    Sat, Oct 19 2013 9:34 PM

    if it was just a scored game, then I'd have no issues dropping it...
    Yes it was just a scored game, no credits.  I agree, I had no issues with dropping the game... the first time.  Even after it happened the second time I would have went about my business and probably never thought of it again.  It was only after it happened again today for the third time within 10 days and only 12 matches that I started to question whether I am being too accommodating.

    Yes I know, I only missed out on a small amount of rating and points and some stats, but that is irrelevant, I don't really care about that.  This is more a question of sportsmanship, and that rather than going to the menu and selecting "forfeit match", which is exactly what they were doing by leaving early, they chose "drop match".  After all, I didn't mismanage my time and try to squeeze a quick round in knowing I had to be at work soon, yet after putting an hour of my time into shooting a great round, the match is uncerimoniously snuffed out of existence as if it never happened.

    Despite this starting to sound like a rant, I'm not pissed off or anything. Sure, I am a little annoyed, but more than that I'm starting to wonder if this is a common thing, or if maybe this is some sort of strategy to manipulate the system that I'm not seeing.

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Sat, Oct 19 2013 9:57 PM

    I feel ya...for sure the right thing to do if you can't continue is to drop the, I didn't take your post as a rant at all...just offered my view.

    Hang in there, I've made some good friends here in the past playing MP.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sat, Oct 19 2013 10:12 PM

    The games ended in a tie.

    I don't regard it as too unsporty but as a means to acknowledge that you are equal in the game and that you do not push for a winner. Had you been on a real course for a friendly match for a beer or a handshake, it might be necessary to stop, due to more relevant personal time issues or occupation of the tee times, and the game would equally be "out of existence" (or don't you rather keep the memory of a nice & tight match?). The only difference to me is that this online game has only a "drop game" button instead of an "agree to tie", and that there was no prior agreement to such finish.

    Such agreement might be added to the game's etiquette, though - why not adapt to the different situation and the different ppl? Something like "unless a credit match, a tie may be offered by any player after the third extra hole in form of a "match drop""(?)