What kind of cheese would u ilke with your Whine. Roquefort, Basket case, er cheese, Blarney, Brebis du Puyfaucon, Cashel Bleu, Colby- Jack-off, Doppelrhamstufe, Dry-Jack-Off, Epoisses de Bourgogne, Feta, Fresh-Jack-Off, Gorgonzola, Knockalara, Le Fium, Orbo, Marble Chedar, Marbles For Brains, Mini Baby Balls, ???? Monterey Jack Dry, Morbier, Nokkelost, Oschtjepka, Pave du Berry, Pepper Jack Off, Queso de Tietar, Regal de la Dombes, Schabzieger, Sonoma Jack Off, Swiss, Tasmania Highland Chevre Log,Trois Cornes De Vendee, Ulloa, Vasterbottenost, Weichkaese, Xynotyro, Yarra Valley Pyramid, or Zanetti Parmigiano Reggiano???
that is an alphebetical list of some of your choices. My advice is CHOOSE a different place, any place, other than here to play. you are a dope for even posting no one wants to play with you. Now you have plenty of choices above to keep you busy enough to leave us all alone to share good news and have fun without missing out on your Whining.
Oh, I almost forgot. I am very happy with my minmum purchase with my credits that you don't want to work for or have no life to work for a credit history because you have been to busy playing video games to have obtained a real world life. Work for the things you want instead of whining about what you lack. Honorability. Pee