I recently tiered up to Legend...and currently struggling a bit as we all know the game gets a bit harder....and I understand from other players...I need to play 400 t=ranked rds to level off in terms of the average fluctuating...as now if I score a +1...my avg will go up a tenth or two.....so that's well understood.......I have a total of 4 yrs playing..with 1,985 ranked rds played!
Now...I just played a player ....a Legend with an average of 62.6,.....this player joined WGT in March, 2013...7 months ago and ALREADY is a Legend...amazing isn't it? Get this....the number of ranked rds this player played is....24,...(twenty four)....1 (one) eagle....83 birdies,....119 pars,...1 (one) dbl bogey.
Now to me...all the above has me asking...what happened to that 400 ranked round requirement?? How in the world....can one achieve Legend with those "stats". More power to this player, no doubt,...but I'm at odds with Legend tier based on the numbers in the stats!
Am I missing something?? If so...please explain to me what I'm missing here! I'm curious.....and don't remind me what curiosity did to the cat!! lol lol Tks