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The new RG list

Fri, Sep 5 2014 6:40 AM (152 replies)
  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Wed, Nov 6 2013 10:19 AM

    I would propose something like this:

    Bethpage: Front 9 (50cr)

    Oakmont: Front 9 (100cr) Back 9 (200cr) Full 18 (300r)

    St Andrews: Front 9 (200cr) Back 9 (300cr) Full 18 (100cr)

    Merion: Front 9 (300cr) Back 9 (100cr) Full 18 (200cr)

    Cabo: Full 18 (500cr)

    Congressional: Front 9 (500cr)

    Best of Famous: Full 18 (1000cr)

    Uneven Lies: Olympic Front 9 (100cr) Whistler Back 9 (200cr) St Georges Full 18 (300cr)

    Tiered Ready Go's: Bethpage Back 9 (100cr) Congressional Back 9 (300cr) Best of Hardest Full 18 (500cr)


    So keep the basis of how much the entry fee's are and then change the courses around each month. Obviously not every course can be used but as long as they are then put back in when it gets changed then it mixes it up for everyone.


  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Wed, Nov 6 2013 11:53 AM

    By looking at Dazza's list its obvious to me that a good ready go list to one person might not be good to a different player.  We've all got our own ideas to which course is best or how much should be spent on back, front & 18 holes. Personally due to the amount of similar scores you get for 9 holes i would prefer 9 holes to be $2 max and 18 holes $2 and upwards, maybe 1 x 9 hole which is $3 or $5.  But thats just my opinion, as i mentioned, we've all got our own ideas of what consists of good ready go's. WGT's job is tougher than we think to try and please us all.  But whats VITAL is not to repeat courses, like having front and back of one course and the same 18 hole ready go of it aswell, not to mention a tour legend tournament on the same course, again!


    Bethpage back: 50c

    Bethpage 18: $1

    St Andrews front or back: $1

    Oakmont front: $1

    RSG Uneven Lies 18: $1

    Whistler front: $1

    Merion back Uneven Lies: $2

    Best of famous back: $2

    Kiawah (master tees) 18: $3

    Olympic Club 18: $3

    Congressional 18: $2

    Best of hardest back: $2

    Merion 18: $5

    Cabo 18 pro tees: $10


  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Wed, Nov 6 2013 12:05 PM

    Hi Dazza,

    Thanks for coming up with this list, and taking this on.

    I know I'm not a frequent RG participant, so don't want to press my point too much, but here's some feedback from the perspective of a 'very ordinary' Legend who might try might more of these if the circumstances were worth the risk!

    I think there should be a higher proportion of Tiered ReadyGo's. Right now, for Legends, there are 6 out of 20... so cutting that in half down to 3 seems drastic. To me, a tiered RG makes it much more likely that I'd take part, figuring I'd have a chance to get top 15 (and my stake back) if I'm not also up against all the TL's.

    Re the Uneven Lie suggestions: I'd urge us to propose one 9 holer at 50 cr, to be viewed as the 'try-it-out' one, where the stake is low enough that anyone might feel they can give it a shot, but that it's one of the toughest set-ups so that par becomes a great score.

    I'd also argue for one at 500 cr for the serious uneven lie addicts (as a full 18 on a tough course, or even at a fun course like Cabo [as you suggested earlier] or Whistler which can't otherwise be played in unevens).

    And I'd recommend that both of those should be all-tier.

    The other one, or preferably two, Uneven Lie RGs could be 100 cr and 200 cr versions, one on a popular course (as with the current St Andrews one), and one on something more challenging @ 200 cr, but that these could be tiered.

    Unevens is still so new to many players that offering chances for them to try it within their own tier only is surely the best strategy to encourage these to fill. And, although I recognize the overall tendency to set higher entry fees across all these proposed RGs, I think there's an argument to keep the range a little lower with the Unevens ones, as it's a newer format.

    Thanks for considering,


  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Wed, Nov 6 2013 12:32 PM

    What i posted above is of course just a suggestion. What i tried to do with the list was give everyone an option of a course and how much they wanted to play for whether it be a 9 holer or an 18 holer.

    Personally i look at how much the stake is before i do the course but then thats the gambler in me :)

    If more tiered RG's or UL RG's is called for then so be it. I can only go by the Tour Legend tiered one's and i know they take a long time to fill so i don't think having too many of them is a good idea.

    I will also agree to disagree with CIB as to what a good RG list looks like. What you've posted Chris is very similar to what we get now as far as entry fee's go.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Wed, Nov 6 2013 1:58 PM

    I will also agree to disagree with CIB as to what a good RG list looks like. What you've posted Chris is very similar to what we get now as far as entry fee's go.

    Yes i know, no matter what we do to mix them up they will be the same as we'rwe limited to these courses, all we can do is add $$ to the entrance fee but a good idea would be to keep the low $$ like 50c and $1 for tiers like master or below and higher stakes for legend + (although any one can enter the higher if they wish) higher tiered players have more $$ and prefer to gamble with it.

  • ColumbusStorm
    3,418 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2013 7:47 AM

    I ( a TL) prefer more 50cr - 100cr 9 hole RG's and few 100-200cr 18 hole RG's. I like to play/compete frequently knowing even if when I'm on an unlucky streak I can still play and not get hurt too bad in donating credits.

    Also I like the payout for top 30. Knowing even if I'm not playing well I will still finish the round knowing I have a decent shot at getting half my credits. That's a good incentive for me to finish the round instead of wd.

    Also some 50-100cr UEL 9 hole RG's. 18 hole UEL just takes too long for me to play, .

  • gedi83
    277 Posts
    Tue, Nov 19 2013 7:32 AM

    Regarding the selection of courses and conditions, random (but really random!) would be just fine. I guess different people like different things (e.g. I hate Bethpage and Kiawah with low wind :) ), so it's impossible to suit everyone...

    Regarding the credit amounts, I'd suggest

    50 (9h), 100 (9h), 200 (18h) for each tier, plus 500 (18) for Legends, and 300 (18h) for Tour Masters and Tour Legends,

    50 (9h), 4 x 100 (9h), 200 (9h), 2 x 200 (18h), 300 (9h), 300 (18h), 500 (9h), 500 (18h), and 1000 (18h) for all,

    Also 50 (9h), 100 (9h) and 200 (18h) uneven lies for all.

    Btw, could you please put the high stakes RGs again? Seems the old ones are gone now...

  • demcug
    1,456 Posts
    Thu, Nov 21 2013 7:34 AM

    It 'a bit' of time I wanted to do these two questions.

    That perhaps are related to each other.

    1) Why I Tour Legend RG often are created with baby tees??

    2) Why I Tour Legend RG take a long time to complete?

    They are not very attractive to TL because of the Baby Tees? O for the low Credits?

    I'm one of those who hates Baby Tees, but it is' at least 3-4 days I did the TL RG Merion back 200 cr (TL Tees) and still has not been completed.


    1) We raise the Fee Credits input and abolish baby tees.

    2) Abolish the TL RG and let them open to everyone, but always by TL tees.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Thu, Nov 21 2013 10:53 AM

    Maybe the fact many tour legends who used to play this game often have all started to play less and less.  Maybe because the deviation is even worse?  Or we all know Its going to take a long time to fill so no one enters it because we all want FAST turnaround

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Thu, Nov 21 2013 5:37 PM



    It 'a bit' of time I wanted to do these two questions.

    That perhaps are related to each other.

    1) Why I Tour Legend RG often are created with baby tees??

    2) Why I Tour Legend RG take a long time to complete?

    They are not very attractive to TL because of the Baby Tees? O for the low Credits?

    I'm one of those who hates Baby Tees, but it is' at least 3-4 days I did the TL RG Merion back 200 cr (TL Tees) and still has not been completed.


    1) We raise the Fee Credits input and abolish baby tees.

    2) Abolish the TL RG and let them open to everyone, but always by TL tees.


    +1   playing off the baby tees is ridiculous. Maybe they are trying to make these fake scoring averages even lower???  lol    Then make high stake at Beth??

    Nope... need to get rid of TL ready goes for sure. Only played in a few of them and they take forever to fill.

    Asked for more nine hole 200-300 credits ready gos.  Nope none.

    Why can't we have some 200-300 nine hole ready gos???

    And...... not on the easiest courses. How about Olympic, Oakmont, Merion...... huh?

    Nope... we make the 50 credit at Olympic. Also i don't play high wind ready gos,,,, everyone not getting same conditions,, so no reason to play them.

    Simple really make the 200-300 credit nine holes all the hardest courses. The Congo 200 credits did well. So.... did the 200 credit Oakmont.