Well Kat, As stated in the personal meassage thank you for a random act of kindness. Although purposful by design, to send it was an act of kindness, and all I am sure are appreciative.
I spoke breifly to you about a connection that had to do with a light year. For simplification purposes the physics community has decided to condense light years into a new term,,, Parsec, which is roughly 3.26 light years.
All of which I will need to completly learn to use your program because I am a dinosaur. My 12 year old nephew will be down soon & I am sure in 30 minutes I will be up & running.
Just joking. the explanations are perfect for someone of my limited abilities with computers.
This is fabulous.
Thank you so much for your wonderful design. If this is your first then I say....
MR. Gates, pay attention. You have a rising star for competition or a new VP - Department supervisor.