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Tue, Nov 19 2013 7:42 AM (22 replies)
  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Sat, Nov 16 2013 7:35 PM

    After being asked various times on different threads - any chance of you telling us what the CUT line is on the current WINTER TOUR stroke play tournament.

    First round ends tomorrow and none of your participating customers have a scooby do what's going on.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Sat, Nov 16 2013 8:08 PM


    After being asked various times on different threads - any chance of you telling us what the CUT line is on the current WINTER TOUR stroke play tournament.

    First round ends tomorrow and none of your participating customers have a scooby do what's going on.

    Yeah Peter i was going to give it another lick,, because i didn't shoot to well the first attempt.

    But..... after all of the attention this tourney is not getting, i figured why even waste the balls.

    This has been asked about in several threads, but silent as usually.

    After not changing the weekly tourneys,, i don't know what to think really.

    Anybody's guess mate??


  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Sat, Nov 16 2013 9:02 PM

    Don't even mention that tournament LOL....

    Just played it having already shot a 59...birdied the 1st 13 holes and thought "wow I'm really going to improve that score"...needless to say I pulled and pushed putts all the way in for a rousing -13 59.....

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Nov 16 2013 11:19 PM

    Why should they impose a cut line? This only spoils the revenue. Chances are they let all players continue regardless like they did in some Summer tourneys a while ago - pling, pling (1:15 to 1:50).

    And, would there be any damage? Would any player that far off be a threat to the money ranks? Can't imagine that.

    So, why care for a cut line?

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Sun, Nov 17 2013 1:09 AM


    Why should they impose a cut line? This only spoils the revenue. Chances are they let all players continue regardless like they did in some Summer tourneys a while ago - pling, pling (1:15 to 1:50).

    And, would there be any damage? Would any player that far off be a threat to the money ranks? Can't imagine that.

    So, why care for a cut line?

    None really Alosso, it wouldn't matter for sure. I just shot the first attempt poorly you might

    It said cut i was just wondering what i needed to shoot to make the cut. Like you said probably going to let all play. More ball usage.


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Nov 17 2013 4:06 PM


    After being asked various times on different threads - any chance of you telling us what the CUT line is on the current WINTER TOUR stroke play tournament.

    First round ends tomorrow and none of your participating customers have a scooby do what's going on.


    what exactly is the question? the rules state:

    "Just post your best stroke play score on St Andrews by 11/17 to make the top 50% cut in each tier and qualify to play in rounds 2 and 3. Round 1: 11/1-11/17 on St Andrews, unlimited stroke play with 50% cut line."


    so, top 50% + ties would advance? or is there something I am missing?


  • gedi83
    277 Posts
    Sun, Nov 17 2013 5:34 PM


    [so, top 50% + ties would advance? or is there something I am missing?


    We can't see what the score for the top 50% is, so people who aren't near the top don't know if they make the cut or not.

    If this is intentional, it's probably the most cynical trick imaginable to make people keep playing...

  • shoeshinethis
    1,090 Posts
    Sun, Nov 17 2013 6:38 PM



    After being asked various times on different threads - any chance of you telling us what the CUT line is on the current WINTER TOUR stroke play tournament.

    First round ends tomorrow and none of your participating customers have a scooby do what's going on.


    what exactly is the question? the rules state:

    "Just post your best stroke play score on St Andrews by 11/17 to make the top 50% cut in each tier and qualify to play in rounds 2 and 3. Round 1: 11/1-11/17 on St Andrews, unlimited stroke play with 50% cut line."


    so, top 50% + ties would advance? or is there something I am missing?


    Go enter and see where the cutline is at, maybe this will help you help us.

  • totalnovice
    4 Posts
    Mon, Nov 18 2013 1:48 AM

    So if say 500 entrants in your tier, surely 50% cutline is the top 250 plus any below on the same score as the 250th , NO ?

    Thats the way I understood it anyways.

  • gedi83
    277 Posts
    Mon, Nov 18 2013 6:18 AM


    So if say 500 entrants in your tier, surely 50% cutline is the top 250 plus any below on the same score as the 250th , NO ?

    the bold and underlined shows the gap in your reasoning (or the missing information).

    Regarding the main topic of the thread, shame on you, WGT. You are either immensely cynical or incompetent, sorry...