C'mon guys, I have posted 23 times now and my posts still have to be approved. Really.
I am pretty sure if you send any of the mods a personal message they will take care of it for you, as long as you're not brandishing a pitchfork or anything.
Doc :)
How do I reach someone?? Thanks.
They are two, and they have walls to write on.
I've been waiting as well. They say 15-20 posts but in reality that isn't really true.
u're off it.
Truly? I'm almost apprehensive to hit the Post button...
Sure enough;
I had hoped that I was included in that statement.
get me off it too i would think
can i get off the mod list????????? i have been having my post moderated for well over a year now. What gives Icon???????? why am i still being modded????? I have been here since 2009 cmon icon get me right. Thank you in advance