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What's the best browser for metering??

Sun, Dec 22 2013 10:57 AM (11 replies)
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  • Perkupmyputter
    436 Posts
    Thu, Nov 21 2013 9:14 AM

    OK, after over 3 months of play and reaching tour Pro in 7 weeks time, I lowered my avg. score to 69.8, after purchasing newer clubs also. Now, it seems I have played with some Legends and Tour Legends that consistantly fly in their approach shot with pin point accuracy. We all know in order to do this, you must have all variables in place...wind.speed, distance, slope of green, right club...etc.

    But, none of that means squat if you can't ding the damn ball center!!

    I have tried every possible browser/online browsers/Safari/Firefox/Comodo Dragon....all of them, but I use Chrome because ALL the others stop dead without any chance of hitting the ding!! At least with Chrome I have that mili-second of time between finger click and center that allows a little FORGIVNESS IN HITTING THE DING.

    So how about giving up the little secret on getting pin-point accuracy....which is basically all about the center swing! What browsers are you Legends using that have the edge over everyone?? A browser that doesn't jump! A browser that is consistant? Frustrated and never getting better,  but having fun also. ;0)

  • tigerfan1506
    3,193 Posts
    Thu, Nov 21 2013 10:57 AM

    Different browsers work for different systems. I have tried them all and Chrome works best for me. But i know TL's that still use IE. The best one is the one that works best for you.

    It's said all the time, but clear your cache and cookies. Run a cleaning program like Glary Utilities once a week and hope for the best :-)

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Thu, Nov 21 2013 11:03 AM

    Comodo Dragon with Advance System Care , works for me . Advance System Care , comes with turbo boost . Turbo boost will allow you to turn off all unneeded programs , while playing the game . Also you need to practice , practice , practice . You have to learn your clubs , ball placement , course management , and what shots to play and when . Hitting the ding , does not always mean , that you will get the perfect results .                                                                                                                                                                                                Legends and Tour Legends , are players , who have put their time in . Most of them have spent more time in the weeds , than you have playing this game . They have 100`s of ranked rounds, and hours , and know how to play this game . You still have a long way to go , but you can become just as good as any one here . Just put your time in , and take your time , to learn the game . Play stroke play practice rounds , and learn the game , and things will get better for you . Hope this helps , and good luck with your game . Happy Swinging :-) P.S. you can get the advanced system care from cnet downloads for free , so give it a try.

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Thu, Nov 21 2013 11:05 AM

    I use Chrome because ALL the others stop dead without any chance of hitting the ding!!


    Stop dead, you mean they skip?

    I use Internet Explorer. Chrome is good too. There may be several reasons why all of your brousers have meter skip.

    You are level 80 and useing a level 19 putter for instance. Upgrade your equipment at that will improve your 'ding' percentages.

    I hope you can get your browser woes corrected. You may want to look at the R11 irons if you want to pepper the pins i.e. get close to the hole.

  • fitzroy1965
    337 Posts
    Thu, Nov 21 2013 11:38 AM

    have you also checked your internet speed and ping #'s on any speed test site? if speed and ping #'s are not adequete that may part of your problem.

  • ScottHope
    10,683 Posts
    Thu, Nov 21 2013 11:57 AM

    You don't have to 'ding' every shot. Missing the ding to compensate for the wind is a good tip, especially with the woods, I guess some use it for iron shots too and missing the ding putting style is common practise.

    Another good tip I was recently given to improve the metering is to not use maximum power on shots, and by that I mean reduce the power by a fraction, just enough to move the power meter off its maximum (just 1 pixel is enough). When I do this my meter seems slower and smoother.

  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2013 9:35 AM

    You probably be better off buying a corded mouse if you dont have one. 

  • fitzroy1965
    337 Posts
    Thu, Dec 19 2013 11:45 AM

    totally agree fuzzy, with a corded mouse you have no doubts about  low battery levels and random interference issues that could potetially effect your meter.  also no need to spend big currently playing with an $8.00 G.E. mouse and see no difference compared to mice costing 4 times as much.   gl2u.


  • brooksnelson
    41 Posts
    Thu, Dec 19 2013 12:05 PM

    The best browser is Maxthon.......although the fix-all to end all problems is to play this game in safemode with networking.You will not have audio but you will never ever have a meter problem.Smoothest game youve ever played.In order to put your computer  or laptop in safemode with networking  you press or rapidly tap your f8 button when you turn your computer on.....a screen will pop up....choose safemode with networking.....then any browser  doesnt matter...all your meter issues will be gone....merry christmas!

  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Thu, Dec 19 2013 2:36 PM

    Maxthon is not the best browser, because it does not work for me. I am sure others will say it is, and others won't. There is no one browser is the best.

    I use Firefox, because it works for me. I also make sure there is not a lot of programs loaded when windows starts, and I only leave the necessary tray icons by the time on taskbar. Any unnecessary icons in tray area will slow the meter too. Especially if you only got 4 gigs of the fastest ram. This does wonders on Firefox for me and I can play up to two games straight with out problems, and reboot after second game of laptop.

    I used Chrome and IE latest, and they both do the exact same with meter. The meter goes right towards the ding, and I click to stop on the ding and it zooms another half itch on meter automatically. That is the biggest reason I would never use Chrome or IE latest or any of IE.

    Maxthon is just weird to be another tab in the browser for game, and to make extra clicks just to get game windows separated from it. That is why I won't use it.

    Comodo Dragon is just Chrome with another name.

    Opera is not better than any of them.

    Safari is just not much better either on Windows, and should stick with Apple.

    Others have not work well either, but my point is just like others have said. It takes trial and error of installing browsers and trying them all just to get it to work the way you want it. There is many of these threads in the search that explain what to do. I do not delete all flash local storage, because for one, you have to reset your game options every single game. It does not make a difference, when I did it except the annoyance of resetting options again. Clearing cache of browser does slightly make a difference.

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