Maxthon is not the best browser, because it does not work for me. I am sure others will say it is, and others won't. There is no one browser is the best.
I use Firefox, because it works for me. I also make sure there is not a lot of programs loaded when windows starts, and I only leave the necessary tray icons by the time on taskbar. Any unnecessary icons in tray area will slow the meter too. Especially if you only got 4 gigs of the fastest ram. This does wonders on Firefox for me and I can play up to two games straight with out problems, and reboot after second game of laptop.
I used Chrome and IE latest, and they both do the exact same with meter. The meter goes right towards the ding, and I click to stop on the ding and it zooms another half itch on meter automatically. That is the biggest reason I would never use Chrome or IE latest or any of IE.
Maxthon is just weird to be another tab in the browser for game, and to make extra clicks just to get game windows separated from it. That is why I won't use it.
Comodo Dragon is just Chrome with another name.
Opera is not better than any of them.
Safari is just not much better either on Windows, and should stick with Apple.
Others have not work well either, but my point is just like others have said. It takes trial and error of installing browsers and trying them all just to get it to work the way you want it. There is many of these threads in the search that explain what to do. I do not delete all flash local storage, because for one, you have to reset your game options every single game. It does not make a difference, when I did it except the annoyance of resetting options again. Clearing cache of browser does slightly make a difference.