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No-Feel balls

Sun, Dec 1 2013 2:54 AM (28 replies)
  • Dougie4042
    4,410 Posts
    Wed, Nov 27 2013 6:16 PM


    I would like to see some balls with good attributes

    that's what she said too.

    Lmao!  Good one, TBE!

  • Dougie4042
    4,410 Posts
    Wed, Nov 27 2013 6:21 PM

    the speed factor is overblown.

    The hell it is!  The only reason I don't buy the Max meter balls is because I gotta draw the line at some point in terms of how much I pay for balls.  And I ain't talking about the balls that one can read about in this thread.  

    Cheers, YJ.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Nov 29 2013 1:31 PM


    the speed factor is overblown.

    The hell it is!

    LOL. I swear it is and it takes a bit to get adjusted to it but with the fastest meter balls, i.e., the Tour-SD, if you were to commit to learning them you'd find the forgiveness offsets the speed to a degree and you get deviated less. The meter doesn't have time to skip, either. The problem is you don't get the spin and distance attributes.

    Definitely not for everybody.  ;-)

  • DaveStrock
    919 Posts
    Fri, Nov 29 2013 2:17 PM

    I think it's a good idea to ad to the (free) ball selection,I would like to try a free ball with 4 dots distance and 3 dots spin 2.5 durability,could be a game changer if like I've read that putting feel to slow it down messes with the meter reaction,I would prefer a fast smooth meter over a slower jerky dashing meter any day,although I understand any thing added to the free ball to enhance it's performance will not be free I would be willing to pay a minimal amount say the same cost as the cheaper tour ball.

  • DarkenRahl
    2,116 Posts
    Sat, Nov 30 2013 5:15 AM


    Whatever WGT does to slow it down is what. It's easier to get into a tempo with a consistent meter, the speed factor is overblown.

    Sorry to ruin a perfectly good thread by staying on topic, but I agree wholeheartedly.  C'mon WGT, how about a Tour SD2 (or 3 or 4) ball??

    My vote as well, or make it a Legend Tour SD with 3 each spin and distance,

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Sat, Nov 30 2013 7:54 AM

     I think WGT has to be careful here. Most of are aware of the various cheat mechanisms out there, making a ball with excellent attributes at the cost of speed / feel, would play RIGHT into the hands of those who use one particular cheat, and the same would apply to clubs, if you make a club or ball with 5 dots of everything and 0 dots of feel, there will be a lot of VERY happy cheats out there.

  • Slammer23
    420 Posts
    Sat, Nov 30 2013 2:16 PM

    The only cheat I've ever heard of is something that slows the meter down. How does that change anything? You seem to be saying "slowed down from fast would be cheatier than slowed down from slow."  I don't get what you mean.

     I DON'T want a slowed down meter. What am I missing? I've been playing for a year and a half and don't care about cheating. It's hard to get burned by a cheater when you play by yourself.

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Sun, Dec 1 2013 2:51 AM


    The only cheat I've ever heard of is something that slows the meter down. How does that change anything? You seem to be saying "slowed down from fast would be cheatier than slowed down from slow."  I don't get what you mean.

     I DON'T want a slowed down meter. What am I missing? I've been playing for a year and a half and don't care about cheating. It's hard to get burned by a cheater when you play by yourself.

    Nowhere have I accused you of cheating.


    ...It's hard to get burned by a cheater when you play by yourself.

    Now that is true for you and me, but it does appear a little selfish, sort of 'I'm alright Jack'.

    What I AM saying is that if they introduce equipment with excellent attributes and the only downside is the speed of the meter it will help those who do use this mechanism and in helping them it will enable them to rob and steal off those who do play multi-player games.


  • SwingingRoofer
    456 Posts
    Sun, Dec 1 2013 2:54 AM

    I don't know how peeps play by them selfs to boring I always play golf here with others or to boring its like drinking by yourself lol