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Using the Pitch/Chip shot mode - putting green grid.

Mon, Dec 29 2014 11:07 AM (95 replies)
  • gr8flbob
    592 Posts
    Wed, Dec 11 2013 6:02 PM

    I'm sticking with my analysis of the pitch grid: the small squares are 2 FEET on a side,  and distance from aiming point (bottom tip of triangle to either side is 7.5 squares, thus edge is 5 yds from center, and total grid width is 10 YARDs (not 20 ft). Trig sez therefore from aim to corner = ~7.5 yds. 

    all the wind offsets are equipment (club + ball) and spin dependent, so your mileage may vary, lol

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Wed, Dec 11 2013 8:17 PM

    I'm sticking with my analysis of the pitch grid: the small squares are 2 FEET on a side,  and distance from aiming point (bottom tip of triangle to either side is 7.5 squares, thus edge is 5 yds from center, and total grid width is 10 YARDs (not 20 ft). Trig sez therefore from aim to corner = ~7.5 yds. 

    The pitch grid is a great tool to determine how far you're moving away from the pin.  The question at hand is, "How far?"  Right?

  • gr8flbob
    592 Posts
    Thu, Dec 12 2013 3:33 PM

    The pitch grid is a great tool to determine how far you're moving away from the pin.  The question at hand is, "How far?"  Right?

    'Precisely' right DKat! LOL. It depends on one's equipment, the wind one is facing (remember the displayed speed is an AVERAGE wind velocity! WGT code provides gusts and lulls - my feel the actual wind experienced during any given given shot can be up to +/- 25% of the displayed average), the terrain in the landing area and the type of shot one has selected (full or punch? how much spin?, ding or off-ding into the wind?), etc. etc.

    All those factors above can impact aiming adjustment based on the grid. The real key in it's use is using the grid's moving dots to predict likely roll-out on the green after landing. If the grid is too small to make out the moving dots, use right-click while cursor is on or near the aiming point and use Flash Zoom-in feature (before you do note wind direction and speed, as u can't see it in zoom mode, lol).


  • BubbaRubble
    26 Posts
    Fri, Dec 13 2013 3:29 AM


    When you are 100 yards from the hole -1 mph of wind that is 90° to the line of your shot requires moving the aiming point 1 foot into the wind - 1 mph x 1.00 = 1 foot.

    When you are more or less than 100 yards from the hole you adjust.

    If you are 167 yards from the hole convert 167  to 1.67 and multiply by the wind speed.

    If the 90° cross wind is 10 mph, then move your aim point 16.7 feet into the wind (10 mph x 1.67 = 16.7 feet).

    Another example is you have a shot that is 92 yards from the hole and you have the same 90° cross wind that is 10 mph. So then -  0.92 x 10 mph = 9.2 feet you move the aim point.

    Wind is often at more or less than 90° to the line of your shot, or a quartering wind.

    A quartering wind that is 45° (+ or -) use a factor of 0.7.

    An example is a 12 mph wind that is at a 45° angle to the line of your shot that is 145 yards from the hole. The math is 12 mph x 0.7 x 1.45 = 12.18 feet you move your aim point on the green.


    Thanks, Apex, great infor

    I posted to my blog for easy reference,

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Tue, Jan 7 2014 10:40 AM

    You're welcome.

    This may also be helpful in this thread:

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, May 3 2014 7:12 PM

    20 ft x 20 ft grid?  Really?

  • SwingingRoofer
    456 Posts
    Sat, May 3 2014 7:49 PM

    i thought it was 10 by 10?

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sat, May 3 2014 9:00 PM

    If the squares inside the grid are 2' by 2', and there are 13 full squares inside the grid with 1/2 squares on either side, if you do the math, isn't that 28'?  

    If it's 20 by 20, wouldn't that mean each square would be 1.4285 feet?

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Sun, May 4 2014 4:53 AM

    I've always worked on the grid being 10 yards from edge to edge.  That seems to work well enough given that you're never going to be able to aim or hit a shot so accurately that inches come into play.

  • SamanthaWho
    3,403 Posts
    Sun, May 4 2014 6:53 AM

    The main reason i rarely if ever use the pitch is the roll after. Trying to figure out how far my roll would be on different green speeds.