DaddysKat:The pitch grid is a great tool to determine how far you're moving away from the pin. The question at hand is, "How far?" Right?
'Precisely' right DKat! LOL. It depends on one's equipment, the wind one is facing (remember the displayed speed is an AVERAGE wind velocity! WGT code provides gusts and lulls - my feel the actual wind experienced during any given given shot can be up to +/- 25% of the displayed average), the terrain in the landing area and the type of shot one has selected (full or punch? how much spin?, ding or off-ding into the wind?), etc. etc.
All those factors above can impact aiming adjustment based on the grid. The real key in it's use is using the grid's moving dots to predict likely roll-out on the green after landing. If the grid is too small to make out the moving dots, use right-click while cursor is on or near the aiming point and use Flash Zoom-in feature (before you do note wind direction and speed, as u can't see it in zoom mode, lol).