Hello my WGT family...
No matter where you live... today, (now yesterday... thanx WGT Moderators... I posted this 20 hours ago) November 25th is "International Day For The Elimination Of Violence Against Women".
This speaks for itself and does not require a great explanation or my incentive for ALL to respect and acknowledge this day.
The WGT is a large internet community and we all hold a responsibility to speak and act out against those who may use this game for the undermining of women and our (on-line) safety and respect. For example, those who directly use this site to propagate their bad sexual habits and those who mis-represent themselves as girls and women for the purpose of preying on our sisters.
Protecting the dignity of your women is EVERYBODY'S responsibility!
As a daughter of South Africa, I live in a country where 3,600 women are raped EVERY DAY... This is about one rape every 26 seconds (and these numbers represent only the acts that dare to be reported...)
So please... wherever you are, whoever you are... hold your wives, daughters, sisters, etc. a little tighter this day.... and every day!