Thanks for bringing this topic up.
I've been working with Shoe for the past few weeks on the "12 Days" event and in my first email to him I mentioned this very real problem that you mention above. Unfortunately, as Icon says, there's nothing they can do to speed things up.
The problem with Icon's suggestion to wait 24 hours is that each "Day" will bleed into the next "Day". The goal is to have Santa post what he is giving away that day and to be in and out in 24 hours. That way the next CC (for this years event) can step up the next day and have that day all to themselves.
I'm also working with Shoe on something Opy mentions. We're working on some ideas to help get the word out. Stay tuned for more.
Oh, and along those lines, a very generous and creative player created a great ad for the event! Complete with music. If I can figure out how to post it here I will. You guys will love it!