have played WGT for a few months now , and in doing so i have managed
to collect a few different types of balls , i have a suggestion to
if the player uses his/her last ball why not fall back to the last
purchased ball or next decent ball that the player might own, or at
least give the option to choose if he want to use the unlimited balls
or not after the last ball is used
or give this option to players who owns a bag to at least carry more
variety of balls like 2 ball slots were slot 1 is primary and slot 2
look into this option i would think that most of the WGT users out
there would make use op this option
example most op the time if a player has 2 balls left it would be
sufficient to finish a game with, but now you land 2 water shots and
boooom you only have unlimited balls , meter speed
uncontrollable , no distance , where as if you could have gone over
to secondary balls in your bag you might have been able to finish a
game without wanting to break a mouse and feeling frustrated