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Ball Slots

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Tue, Dec 3 2013 3:01 AM (6 replies)
  • QuintinViljoen
    1 Posts
    Sat, Nov 30 2013 11:15 PM

    I have played WGT for a few months now , and in doing so i have managed to collect a few different types of balls , i have a suggestion to WGT 

    1. if the player uses his/her last ball why not fall back to the last purchased ball or next decent ball that the player might own, or at least give the option to choose if he want to use the unlimited balls or not after the last ball is used

    2. or give this option to players who owns a bag to at least carry more variety of balls like 2 ball slots were slot 1 is primary and slot 2 secondary

    Please look into this option i would think that most of the WGT users out there would make use op this option

    for example most op the time if a player has 2 balls left it would be sufficient to finish a game with, but now you land 2 water shots and boooom you only have unlimited balls  , meter speed uncontrollable , no distance , where as if you could have gone over to secondary balls in your bag you might have been able to finish a game without wanting to break a mouse and feeling frustrated



  • akk447
    379 Posts
    Sun, Dec 1 2013 3:05 PM

    It's all about the credits the Benjamins if you will! I agree you should be able to take your ball-out of play and perhaps limp home on a lesser quality ball from your inventory other than the house ball. House balls only seem to work for the occasional player who doesn't spend anything for credits and somehow can "stick" a 3-W 10 mph wind from behind to an elevated green to 3' uphill putt. W>T>F>. Laws of physics wouldn't allow it but then again helicopters aren't supposed to fly either. 


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Dec 1 2013 9:47 PM

    This has been discussed hundreds of times. In tournament golf the one ball directive is usually used where you are not allowed to change balls during a round. In that if you run out of the type of ball with which you start you would be disqualified. Wgt lets you finish which is surely better. You get reminders when you are on your last ball so you have no reason to run out. It's a good idea to just carry more balls as it costs no more in the long run,

  • akk447
    379 Posts
    Mon, Dec 2 2013 7:36 AM

    Agreed just venting. But to that end when your playing and you consider your ball unplayable, shouldn't you be able to ask your fellow competitor to take the existing ball out of play. Perhaps wgt could put in place a program that would show that your existing ball is on it's last few hit's with a red indicator and a request from your competitor

  • jld51
    406 Posts
    Mon, Dec 2 2013 3:38 PM

    but now you land 2 water shots and boooom you only have unlimited balls


    Dont hit it in the water.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Mon, Dec 2 2013 5:38 PM


    Agreed just venting. But to that end when your playing and you consider your ball unplayable, shouldn't you be able to ask your fellow competitor to take the existing ball out of play. Perhaps wgt could put in place a program that would show that your existing ball is on it's last few hit's with a red indicator and a request from your competitor

    We have this already. Also, when we do see the red indicator we can simply open a second window and go to the Pro Shop, while still in a game, and buy more golf balls of the same type before we run out of the ones we're using.  I've also purchased Putter Pal while playing in a match and the other guy had no idea. It's extremely simple to not run out of golf balls while playing an important game.