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why are the surveys never available to me?

rated by 0 users
Wed, Dec 4 2013 10:18 PM (2 replies)
  • scorpioguy79nz
    3 Posts
    Wed, Dec 4 2013 2:34 PM

    they always come up sorry not available at this time why lol  and is there  anything you can do  to stop people just  disconnecting  during games? maybe threaten to put their average up if they don't quit properly lol  why should we suffer  and not be  able to continue a game if they   cant even forfeit  how is this fair  more so if having a good game. comes up site error when people do this  most of the time .....

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Wed, Dec 4 2013 3:09 PM

    i like the 'if they leave the game - their ball stays' :)

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Dec 4 2013 10:18 PM

    Surveys depend on where you live. Some countries get loads and some get none. It all depends on the survey provider and if they or the people that pay for the survey are active in your area. As for the quitting part, WGT have no idea if someone quit or just got disconnected.