If you're having problems with your computer, it could be overloaded with one or more of these problems, unwanted programmes, unnecessary memory usage, errors and waste etc.
I followed online instructions (see link below) to try and solve my pc's problems which were a slow start up and response, freezing, crashing -especially during WGT games- and general erratic performance.
It takes 30-45 minutes to go through the procedures, giving an immediate improvement in your computers overall performance. If you had problems crashing in WGT games, this should stop and you may also notice a smoother shot meter.
It's the best thing I've done for my computer. It works so well now, I've even had live golf playing during a WGT game without any interference.
Go to this link.
How to optimize Windows XP for the best performance.htm
There's some free cleaner programmes recommended below that are good for regular maintenance to keep your computer running smoothly.