jasondement: ust look at the top 100 money earnings and check stats of those players. You can't find more than 25 that should be in the legend tier and I'm sure the other 75 will agree with me, barring ego trips that is. I am a realist and I know my place in the world and in the virtual world. Among the best is not where I belong plain and simple. But I am a true fan of this game and will continue trying.
I think it would be a serious detriment to the game to isolate those 25 or so players into a tier where they could only compete against each other for prizes - and only play with the rest of us for shiggles. If I was one of those players, the fun factor would seriously diminish, and if I wasn't I would not strive to be promoted to that tier.
I'm with you though, "Legend" seems a bit of a lofty title for the likes of you or I. Currently I'm at a 65 average - definitely not performing well at this time. And I know you are a little more consistent than I am - even though on our best days I think I'd beat you with my short game.. lol :P>
And yes I had hoped to be a Tour Master when I logged on this morning - but not so that I didn't have to compete with Bolly, A LEE, Jakes, iconian and pricehs.. (hm.. I actually own icon and price in matchplay.. HA! :P - this is only a sleight exaggeration) Rather, I was hoping to be Tour Master so that I could have one more tier to strive for.
I can agree that there are too many legends. The number makes the title meaningless, just like MASTER used to be. But even if the Legend status was more exclusive, I don't think it should be isolated at all from the Tour Master tier. Legend just should be a honor for players that have accomplished a lot here.. instead they are a dime a dozen it seems.
Tiger, Phil, Ells, Singh they are all legends in a way - you wouldn't want to remove them from any PGA events - just to give these young guys a better shot. - They'd find a reason to choke any way...
So yeah maybe we don't belong in that upper tier, but I just don't see that as a reason to not compete against the "BEST"
Don't you think Yang's victory in the PGA last year was just a little bit sweeter since it was over TIger? You damn right it was!