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Days Played

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Mon, Dec 23 2013 12:01 AM (22 replies)
  • alosso
    21,060 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 9:56 PM

    Yes, this forum SW is old, but not that old. You'll have to resize the pics when entering them to "Insert Media". 450 width is the max. When you edit your post, you can resize them by moving one corner.

    I'll come back to your post in a minute, just have to post a proof of my own:

    Round posted at 6:44 CEST which is 9:44 pm PST (12.10.13!)

    More than two hours in the future!

  • alosso
    21,060 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 10:03 PM

    Sorry, it was 6.44 am CET (UTC +1).

  • alosso
    21,060 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 10:40 PM

    Advance note:

    What you call "WGT day" has only been the "CDP bonus day", referencing GMT (UTC time zone). IMHO, "WGT day" shows Californian time, PST = UTC-8, represented by the forum clock.


    To RECAP tonight. It's 12/10. The "WGT Day" resets at 6pm Central time.

    At 11 minutes before the WGT day is to reset, I start a round of CTTH on Merion. You see my system clock at 5:49.

    <pic snipped>

    At 5 minutes before the WGT day is to reset, I post the round, it's dated in my history as I played it on 12/10. The correct date, at 5:55.

    <pic snipped>

    I start another CTTH round 5 minutes AFTER the WGT day has started, on Olympic. 6:05.

    <pic snipped>

    And finish 11 minutes after the WGT day has started, 6:11. It's dated 12/11 in my round history. IT'S STILL 12/10! That's a 23:49 difference alosso.

    <pic snipped>

    Impressive - you found a new margin of error for the display of scored time. 6:11 pm CST (UTC -6) is 4:11 pm PST - eight(!) hours difference to what we used to have. Thus, the "new day" on the score boards apparently is UTC = GMT. I assume that this is involuntary because there has been no official information, and the "tournament day" still is in PST, allowing to record games in November tourneys on Dec 1 (see my history). *giggles*


    WGT, I've posted enough proof. Whatever you did on the night of the 7th of December, you screwed something up. I'm surprised there aren't more complaining about their consecutive days played being lost. Maybe there are and I just don't care to look... Either way, I always play the evening AFTER the day resets, like tonight. It has ALWAYS date stamped that round TODAY.

    I'm afraid that this has been around for more than a few days now. I have the impression that you're not correct concerning the CDP bonus. Many players are sensitive to their CDP. Look into the current thread "Most consecutive days played" - nobody complained to have lost their number due to a system error.

    Yesterday I played every hour until 11.30 pm GMT in hunt of the scoring deviation. I observed the timer in the main game menu, and it showed the clock correctly, counting down to midnight GMT (UTC). Apparently, both of us failed to play (and close the game?!?) in time on one day and lost the bonus on our own behalf.

    BTW, mine was about 25, I have to restart frequently after having failed to keep up the 501 which I had in May.

  • juggss6
    121 Posts
    Wed, Dec 11 2013 4:13 PM

    I didn't miss the day, I didn't forget to go back to the main menu to be sure that my little green check mark appeared. After about 50 days, I took a screenshot every single night after playing so I'd have proof of my CDP if it ever failed. I'm just glad I screwed up my 120+ on my own and it didn't happen because of this. I don't care and I doubt they do either. I'm not wasting any more time on it and certainly won't be wasting any more money here.

  • juggss6
    121 Posts
    Fri, Dec 20 2013 9:20 PM

    Well it's clear they don't care. It's still mucked up as I just played a around on 12/20 and it's posted as I played it on 12/21.

    To recap, that never happened until the night I posted this thread. I could have finished a round at 11:55 my time and it used to post the correct date. GG WGT.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sat, Dec 21 2013 11:27 AM

    WGT uses two different definitions of a day. The consecutive games played day resets to UTC(GMT) not the time we live in. I live in EST and when I play a round after 7:00pm, it shows as played the next day. That's because it became the next day in UTC, not where I live. It's been this way the entire 2 years I've played here.

    WGT also sets the start time and end time of tourneys to their own time zone of PST. That messes a lot of people up as to when a second round of a multi-round may start or when a tourney ends.

  • alosso
    21,060 Posts
    Sat, Dec 21 2013 3:25 PM

    Excuse me Cerino, my memory - and my scoring history - do not comply with "the entire time".

    I have been playing intensively last year, 400+ weeklies, and I tracked all my scores. I remember to have played many early monday rounds to compete in the previous weekly (midnight PST is 9 am here), and still there is not a single glitch visible - last day played is Sunday to 100%. The most intense Sunday, March 18, included 13 weekly rounds. I remember why I have been chasing scores the whole day - certainly I must have played some on Monday.

    In 2013, I've not been playing enough to prove anything. The first date glitch came only when I looked into it, 11-30.

    Alas, when checking your histories, I came across some former proof for the glitch. I found these occurrences in your earliest possible entries, limited by number of entries:

    08.05.13     Wk 32 Closest-to-the-hole Challenge    Legend     188.65
    08.05.13     Wk 31 9-hole Unlimited Play     Front 9     Legend     33

    Impossible to play two different weeks on one day unless time zones help...

    09.01.13     August Bali Hai Sweeps         Master     278.9
    09.01.13     August Cabo del Sol Sweeps         Master     110.71
    09.01.13     August Cabo del Sol Sweeps         Master     121.1
    09.01.13     August Best of Putting Sweeps         Master     86.5
    09.01.13     August Oakmont's 9-hole Unlimited Tournament     Front 9     Master     34

    August sweeps played in Sepember?

    Thus, I dare say that the discrepancy wasn't there in Summer 2012 but it was there start August 2013.

    Do you have any proof in your records?

    Edit, to be more precise:

    I'm asking for further proof of earlier date in scores stored privatly, be it Monthlies played on the next 1st, or Weeklies played on Monday. (I changed the Excel date format to ttt (in English versions, probably ddd and checked the relative position of Monday entries).

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sat, Dec 21 2013 5:14 PM


    Do you have any proof in your records?

    Proof of what?

    I could  play 2 different weeks Tourneys on the same date as it is recorded by WGT. I could play this weeks free weekly single 18 on Sunday night after 7:00pm my time(EST) then play the following weeks free single play 18 Monday morning and both would be recorded as the same day as Monday's date. I'm positive. Whenever I finish any round after 7:00pm EST my time (Midnight UTC) it gets recorded as the following day. Been this way since day one I signed up.


    *** Edit*** 8:42pm EST

    I just played a CTTH on Pebble. Finished at 8:40pm EST(UTC -5hours) on Saturday December the 21st. In my score History it shows the date being Dec 23. It's not the 23rd here yet but it is after midnight UTC so it displays as the 23rd. Same as always.

  • alosso
    21,060 Posts
    Sat, Dec 21 2013 11:13 PM

    Excuse me, I wasn't precise enough.

    I (we?) agree that the difference is there now, and I showed by your scores that it was there in August.

    I intended to ask for further proof of earlier date in stored scores, be it Monthlies played on the next first, or Weeklies played on Monday. (I changed the Excel date format to ttt (in English versions, probably ddd and checked the relative position of Monday entries).

    Anything available?

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sun, Dec 22 2013 1:55 PM


    Excuse me, I wasn't precise enough.

    I (we?) agree that the difference is there now, and I showed by your scores that it was there in August.

    I intended to ask for further proof of earlier date in stored scores, be it Monthlies played on the next first, or Weeklies played on Monday. (I changed the Excel date format to ttt (in English versions, probably ddd and checked the relative position of Monday entries).

    Anything available?

    I don't mean to be dismissive of the issue but I just don't have time to go through my score history and look for anomalies. I did look and see my history only goes back to the middle of 2013 so I can't bring up any days played issues from 2012 anyway. I was answering just on my memory and experience. Like I said, I'm so used to it that I don't notice it anymore.