hey - I know this isn't a problem for you guys - but don't be posting any Prince songs/videos - the guy has a quite winnable lawsuit @ folks who simply 'share' links to quote "stolen property"
Yeah D, pity, you get them up and an hour later.....gone !
Must cost him a fortune to do that ?
Like a man o principle tho...said back in the day he wouldn't allow it and, HASN'T !
Remember seeing him live at Maine Road ( Manchester City's old ground ) in Manchester in 89 / 90 / 91 ???
What I do remember vividly is driving home @ 3am in a car that wasn't insurable for anyone under 30 and being under the influence of...well, many things. ( not recommended ! ) and ashamed of it still...
Just thankful I got the £40,000+ motor home in one piece after screaming up the M56 at a mean speed of around 125 mph, before my friends dad got home from the Canary Isles !!
[ he shouldn't of left a spare set o keys lying around ? We'd planned on the train ]
Great day AND night...