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Something very special is coming!

Thu, Jan 2 2014 4:40 PM (132 replies)
  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Dec 16 2013 8:12 PM

    Mr Shoe and I had a chat earlier and we came up with something very special.... Here are some details

    1. Very interesting but very tough conditions

    2. Buy-in, top 5 pay out

    3. 4 round tourney on freakish conditions

    4. I will join too, but will be excluded from payout.

    5. By entering this tourney, you promise only to have positive thoughts of wgticon (feel free to hate Mr. Shoe though)

    6. Link will be posted soon :)



    Tournament Link is here

    Top 5 payout 50%, 25%, 15%, 5%,,5%

    Each round lasts 3 days - starts 12/18 1am PT

    Buy-in 50 credits

    4 x 18 holes:

    1. congressional, even lies, high winds, FAST greens (not fast as you know, but REALLY FAST)

    2.  olympic, uneven, low winds, SLOW greens (molasses slow)

    3. merion, even lies, rated winds, FAST greens (lighting fast)

    4. RSG uneven, high winds, SLOW greens


    All settings are my own choices, so have fun and wgticon voodoo dolls will be available for sale in the pro shop!

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Dec 16 2013 8:29 PM


    Mr Shoe and I had a chat earlier and we came up with something very special.... Here are some details

    1. Very interesting but very tough conditions

    2. Buy-in, top 5 pay out

    3. 4 round tourney on freakish conditions

    Cool, missed them

    But if one freaky round is going to be UL's then let us know, so we can make an informed decision..

    4. I will join too, but will be excluded from payout.

    We have a chance then :)

    5. By entering this tourney, you promise only to have positive thoughts of wgticon (feel free to hate Mr. Shoe though)

    ALWAYS.. on both counts !!

    6. Link will be posted soon :)

    Cheers Mods


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Dec 16 2013 8:38 PM



    Mr Shoe and I had a chat earlier and we came up with something very special.... Here are some details

    1. Very interesting but very tough conditions

    2. Buy-in, top 5 pay out

    3. 4 round tourney on freakish conditions

    Cool, missed them

    But if one freaky round is going to be UL's then let us know, so we can make an informed decision..

    4. I will join too, but will be excluded from payout.

    We have a chance then :)

    5. By entering this tourney, you promise only to have positive thoughts of wgticon (feel free to hate Mr. Shoe though)

    ALWAYS.. on both counts !!

    6. Link will be posted soon :)

    Cheers Mods


    There will definitely be at least one uneven round, maybe 2:)

  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Mon, Dec 16 2013 8:53 PM

    If you build it they will play...

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Dec 16 2013 9:02 PM

    If you build it they will play..

    Not wrong...I'm in :))

  • tramilleo
    1,912 Posts
    Mon, Dec 16 2013 9:48 PM

    A free rental week would be better than a ignorant high stakes tourney, some of us dont gamble and sure as heck am not giving you money wgt. If you really want to do something special, drop the prices in the proshop by half for one day, that would be special and wanted by way more people then those who want another ignorant tournament where the wind gauge and green dots are useless, lol you are funny though Icon if you were trying to get me to laugh out loud then your mission has been accomplished good sir 



  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Dec 16 2013 10:01 PM


    Something very special is coming

    Is it Country Clubs where everything works?


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, Dec 16 2013 10:13 PM

    I'm here...



    Isn't that enough?  :)



  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, Dec 16 2013 10:17 PM

    4. I will join too, but will be excluded from payout.


    I wanna piece of ya!!


    Glad you're in Icon, makes all of us "aspiring" players, something to shoot for...


    But getting practice...gonna have to get with Shoe and shut ya down!


    Good stuff!

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Dec 16 2013 11:07 PM



    Something very special is coming

    Is it Country Clubs where everything works?


    Yes my Dear, because that is what he went on to say....

    I take it this is something else you have a comment on but won't be participating in ?

    You stick to your CC comps, at least you break 30 there.. (v fast greens ?? )