ummmmm..oh my got ugly for me...
couldn't save a 6 ft'r to save my life .... ugggggg lyyyyyyy ....
......... so embarrrsking .... ...
funn stuff.... ima keep on a pluggin ... it was wild i didn't really hit any shots too bad ..just that i managed to land it ,on the hardest slickest part EVERY BLANKIN ,,TIME,,seams like.:(.... then proceed to roll par save ...over the edge...wher i got on the bogey train and couldn't GET OFF !! ...TILT !
WHICH even tho i am a lil diisapointed...( ALOT ..almost wanna cry ) .. i plead that i been burnin edges all week after gettin my nike irons...
NOW,, i can't putt !! closer to holes !!! ..but,, get all twitchy finger'd well.... dam lip outs are killin meeeeeeeeeeeee.....grrrrrrrrr