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game freezing up

Wed, Jan 21 2015 11:29 PM (1 replies)
  • raycin1019
    377 Posts
    Sun, Dec 22 2013 8:30 AM

    Is it just me or is everyone having problems with the game freezing up? i do not mind if it freezes after i hit it, but when the meter freezes halfway through its swing (and does it 2-3 times in a row) does affect your ability to "hit the ding"  I have cleared my cache, logged out and logged back in, and did everything i can think of.  It only started to happen this morning.

    anyone else having this problem??

  • JLeary1
    416 Posts
    Wed, Jan 21 2015 11:29 PM

    Yes I have been having bad freezes the past few weeks. Really bad today. I don't normally have too much of a problem, but today and in the past few weeks in general, it is shocking. I don't want to play at the moment as it is no longer fun. The meter freezes or stutters, shots freeze mid air and then it returns. Don't care if shots freeze mid air, but when they do I know my meter is going to be rubbish.

    I know, clear flash, cookies, temp files etc. Stock answer. Did all that. Still horrible.