Question... How come every time i decide to enter a TL ready go its played off the forward tees??
Why would TL's need to play off forward tees? When i enter a TL only tourney i would think conditions should not be easy.
I've only entered two TL tourneys,,,, because takes way to long to fill and payout.... then when i finally enter the kids tees.
Is WGT trying to make these already fake averages lower??
Can't find one reason TL's need to be hitting off forward tees.,,,,especially for credits.
Got good one for you. I decide to enter the TL back nine par 3 tourney. Now then.... i know which club and how much spin to play for just about all the par 3's on that course.
I get on the tee.... aimed my shot.. and.....smacked that sucker 10 yards over the green in the back trees.
Then..... i notice i'm hitting off the kids tees and only 120 yards from
Quick WD
How about listing the tee box used on the tourney page. Don't think will be entering another anytime soon.
TL's hitting from the kids tees........ comical.