To begin, a big hoorah for the Kat for including the stunning Prokofiev Concerto ~ it shakes, it moves, it socks & rocks. I can't imagine anyone not taking notice as mush as they can't imagine why anyone would.
And to add a kudo to andyson for the bit on Wrigley Field ~ My 71 year old Uncle John was with Union Oil as chief of Union negotiations in Chicago from '78 to '84 and was a full fledged "Cubie". He has been to them all, and swears Wrigley Field is by far the good as it gets.
April 24
2009 ~ Sweetie Pie, WGT golfer
1533 - William I of Orange
1581 - Vincent de Paul ~ French Saint
1773 - Harman Muntinghe, Dutch Colonial Director
1784 - Peter Daniel ~ Justice of the US Supreme Court
1814 - Angela Burdett-Coutts ~ Philanthropist Extrordinaire
1824 - Fournier, Swiss/French Stamp forger
1836 - Jeltjje de Bosch Kemper ~ Dutch Feminist
1867 - Fannie Thomas ~ lived 113 years and 273 days
1874 - John Russell Pope ~ Architect of the Jefferson Memorial
1886 - R Pelgrom ~ Oldest Dutchman, died in 1994
1897 - Manuel Avila Camacho ~ President of Mexico ( coincidently, Camacho Cigars are the bomb! Treat yourself)
~ and incidently ~
in 1792, the national anthem of France, "La Marseillaise", was composed by Captain Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle
in 1800, Congress approved a bill establishing the Library of Congress
in 1898, Spain declared war on the United States. (The United States responded in kind the next day)
~ Peace be with you ~