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Happy Birthday

Wed, Jul 1 2020 4:32 AM (1,330 replies)
  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sun, Jun 29 2014 8:32 AM

    June 29

    1397 - John II of Aragon

    1482 - Maria of Aragon ~ Queen of Portugal

    1596 - Go-Mizunoo ~ Jap Emperor ---- I use the Mizuno M29's

    1858 - George Washington Goethals ~ Engineer who built the Panama Canal

    1861 - William James Mayo ~ Surgeon & Founder of Mayo Clinic

    1868 - George Hale ~ Astronomer

    1889 - Willie McFarlane ~ Scottish Golfer of note

    ~ Bye the Bye ~

    in 512, a Solar Eclipse is recorded in Ireland

    **FIRE!! yep in 1613, London's original Globe Theatre, where many of Shakespeare's plays were performed, was destroyed by a fire sparked by a cannon shot during a performance of "Henry VIII"

    in 1682, Sophia names herself Regent of Russia --- how convenient

    and then in1767, Britain approved the Townshend Revenue Act, which imposed import duties on glass, paint, oil, lead, paper and tea shipped to the American colonies --- a bitter protest from Colonists followed, prompting Parliment to repeal the duties --- except for tea

    in 1776, Patrick Henry becomes Govenor of Virginia

    and in 1854, the Netherlands say "Yes" to corporal punishment

    in 1863, 23 year old George Armstrong Custer is appointed Brigadier General

    1891 ~ 100 degrees in 'Frisco'

    in 1906, at Oventsia Club in iLLinois, Alex Smith wins The US OPEN with a 295

    in 1934 at WGT's own Royal St. George, Henry Cotton fires a 283 to win the 69th British 0pen

    1947 - 2nd US Womans Open and claimed by Betty Jameson

    in 1952, Louis Suggs captures the 7th US Womans Open

    and in 1957, US Womans Open # 12 goes to Betsy Rawls

    1969 - Donna Caponi becomes Champion of the 24th US Womans Open

    then in 1997, old goat Graham Marsh wins the 18th US Senior Open

    ~ Peace & Grace ~ 


  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Mon, Jun 30 2014 8:51 AM

    June 30

    1470 - Charles VIII ~ King of France

    1768 - Elizabeth Kortright Monroe ~ 1st Lady

    ~ Bye the Bye ~

    in 1294, Jews are expelled from Berne, Switzerland

    in 1520, Spanish conquistadors, under Cortes take 'Gold !' from Aztecs

    and in 1559, King Henry II, while jousting, is seriously injured after a naughty 'check', and is knocked on his Royal *** by Gabriel de Mongomory

    in 1755, Phililppines close all non-catholic Chinese restaurants

    going to 1834, Congress creates Indian Territory ~ Oklahoma ~

    in 1859, Charles Blondin is the first fool to cross Niagara Falls on a tightrope

    in 1863, Dutch colony, Suriname counts a population of 33,000 slaves

    0h - in 1865, 7 men & 1 chick are found guilty in the killing of Abe Lincoln ~ they screwed up with the chick, Mary Surratt

    in 1893, A girls best friend ---The Excelsior Diamond, a blue/white 995 carat monster is discoverd ~ I prefer Gold myself

    in 1916 at Minikahde,Club in Minn. Chick Evans rolles a 286 to win US Open # 22

    then in 1929, The one and only Bobby Jones trips to awesome Winged Foot, shoots a sweet 294, and wins the 33rd US Open --- I wish we had Winged Foot at WGT, don't you ?

    ~ so long to June 2014 ~

  • hpurey
    11,505 Posts
    Tue, Jul 1 2014 4:13 AM

    July 1


    1978-  a man destined to search for the "yelloways"     ME  ;-)

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Tue, Jul 1 2014 6:38 AM


    July 1


    1978-  a man destined to search for the "yelloways"     ME  ;-)

    Happy Birthday H

  • hpurey
    11,505 Posts
    Tue, Jul 1 2014 7:40 AM

    Happy Birthday H


    Thanks R

  • ISH47
    1,963 Posts
    Tue, Jul 1 2014 8:44 AM


    July 1


    1978-  a man destined to search for the "yelloways"     ME  ;-)

    Happy B'day cuz..  \m/


  • garylewisgr
    415 Posts
    Tue, Jul 1 2014 9:21 AM

      Today we celebrate Canada's 147th birthday !!!  

      Also my 4 year old grandson Josh has his big birthday today ! Luv u Josh !!!!!!!

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Tue, Jul 1 2014 11:09 AM

    G00DNESS!!  July 1 --- 182 days spent, 183 days un-spent 

    HB to "Mellow Yellow" The Great HPUREY ! ( dude, post your best saved yellow friends await

    And same offer to Gary via Josh's proxy....say hello to the 4-year old

    And yes ~ in 1867, The Dominion of Canada is formed; New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario & Quebec ~ John Macdonald is 1st Prime Minister. And then in 1980, on this day, 'O Canada becomes The National Anthem....Whoo-who Canada !


    1804 - George Sand ( Amantine Aurore Dudevant) French feminist writer.

    In a letter written by Alfred de Musset, French Poet, to Miss Sand on September 1, 1834, he wrote : "But let me have this letter, containing nothing but your love; and tell me that you give me your lips, your hair, all that face that I have possessed, and tell me that we embrace - you and I ! O God, O God, when I think of it, my throat closes, my sight is troubled; my knees fail, ah, it is horrible to die, it is also horrible to love like this! What longing, my George, what longing I have for you! I beg you to let me have the letter I ask, I am dying, farewell." ---- Miss Sand was also 'hitting it' with Fredrick Chopin...She was something 

    1899 - The Amazing Charles Laughton of England ~ His Quasimodo is the BE$T

    ~ Bye the Bye ~

    in 70, Roman General & Forces set up battering-rams to assault the walls of Jerusalem

    in 1200, In China, sunglasses are invented...but not Oakleys'

    then in 1517, 1st wildly successful burning of Protestants at the stake in the Netherlands

    in 1535, Sir Thomas More goes on trial in England for treason ~ guilty ~ executed to extreme death

    1776 ~ !st Vote on The Declaration of Independence...coming soon

    in 1863, The Battle of Gettysburg

    in 1870, James Smith becomes 1st Negro to enter West Point....ditto to Henry Ossian Flipper in 1873, former slave

    in 1879, Cult guy, Charles Russell publishes 1st edition of the 'Watchtower' and forever after makes people not to want answer their door on weekends

    in 1920 The 55th British 0pen won by George Duncan at Royal Cinque Ports GC with a 303

    and in 1961 the most pure golf swing in history wins the 16th US Womens Open ~ Mickey Wright

    ~ Peace ~   


  • hpurey
    11,505 Posts
    Tue, Jul 1 2014 12:55 PM

    HB to "Mellow Yellow" The Great HPUREY ! ( dude, post your best saved yellow friends await

    Thanks for the HB wishes to all that have.  


    Here is the most recent yelloway-replay.  It was my last effort to make the cut for qualifying.  Had a good start on the front 9 with a 28, but after a bogey and a few pars on the back, I needed to birdie the last 6 holes or so.  Had a string of decent putts drop for bird and then this.

    Check the view from camera 2. :(    Was all over from there, turned off the pc and grabbed a box of tissue. lol

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Wed, Jul 2 2014 8:49 AM


    HB to "Mellow Yellow" The Great HPUREY ! ( dude, post your best saved yellow friends await

    Thanks for the HB wishes to all that have.  


    Here is the most recent yelloway-replay.  It was my last effort to make the cut for qualifying.  Had a good start on the front 9 with a 28, but after a bogey and a few pars on the back, I needed to birdie the last 6 holes or so.  Had a string of decent putts drop for bird and then this.

    Check the view from camera 2. :(    Was all over from there, turned off the pc and grabbed a box of tissue. lol

    The balls I'm sending resemble a 'saffron' tint

    July 2

    419 - Valentinian ~ Roman Emperor

    1363 - Mary Queen of Sicily

    1492 - Elizabeth Tudor ~ English Princess

    1849 - Maria Theresia ~ Queen of Bavaria

    1865 - Lili Braun ~ Feminist Socialist...oh brother, just what the world needs, another hysterical chick that can't cook, can't clean and doesn't know what the mouth is for

    1894 - Walter Brennan ~ A real McCoy

    ~ Bye the Bye ~

    in 1698, Thomas Savery patents 1st steam engine

    1776 ~ The Continental Congress resolves "these United Colonies are & of right ought to be Free & Independent States" ---- Yes

    in 1787, De Sade shouts from the Bastille that prisoners are being slaughtered ! hmm, a clever ruse ?

    1863 ~ Battle of Gettysburg - Day 2

    in 1881, President James Garfield is shot by one Charles Guiteau, a nut in a foul mood. Garfield is dead in 79 days

    in 1948 at Mighty Muirfield, Henry Cotton wins the 77th British 0pen with a 284

    ~ Happy Day ~