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Why continue on WGT?????

rated by 0 users
Wed, Jan 8 2014 6:58 AM (2 replies)
  • Bendeswede
    95 Posts
    Wed, Jan 8 2014 4:10 AM

    look at the attached file and tell me why I should continue play on WGT, knowing that WGT allow the following....look at one players score and the starting day is today??????see attachment.....     GIVE ME A REAL REASON WHY CONTINUE WITH WGT"S ***. THANK YOU!


  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Wed, Jan 8 2014 6:52 AM

    Twice you have posted this thread , and still no attached file . Try putting the file on your profile page , for all to see . It is against the forum rules , to call players out in the forums .

  • BeachedMulligan
    1,238 Posts
    Wed, Jan 8 2014 6:58 AM

    Give us a reason why anyone who joined recently should make you quit? What do you care?

    Play with your friends and enjoy the game for what it means to you. Dont worry about others.