Corwyn: ROW Team vs USA
C :: Corwyn & Dazza501 natemakesaholein & devonnnnn
C :: The only overlap for the 4 of you is weekdays, between 6-8:30pm UTC (10am-12:30pm WGT time).
Corwyn's window of 10am-12:30pm local time.
Dazza: your window of 6-8:30pm local time.
natemakesaholein & devonnnnn: your window of 1-3:30pm local time.
I've PM'd Darren, Nate, and Devon (gosh I wish it worked to do a multi-recipient PM... anyone know if there's a trick to making it work?)...
... but perhaps it's easier anyway to confirm things here.
Given that Devon is working Thursday, and Darren can't play Mondays, this match has just two possible days that can work: Wednesday and Friday this week.
Can we aim for tomorrow, Wednesday 1/29, at 6:00pm Darren's time / 1pm Nate & Devon's time (keeping Friday as fall-back)?
Darren, does it work for you to start at 6pm: it was a 'possible' on your signup?