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Fri, Jan 10 2014 6:19 AM (10 replies)
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  • TEETIME2013
    5 Posts
    Thu, Jan 9 2014 1:50 PM

    How do I get rid of my cone meter and go back to the bar meter ?

  • ScottHope
    10,683 Posts
    Thu, Jan 9 2014 2:36 PM

    You need to change your EZ swing putter to the starter putter.  CLICK for video help.

  • russellfahey
    4,286 Posts
    Thu, Jan 9 2014 2:36 PM


    How do I get rid of my cone meter and go back to the bar meter ?

    On your game screen click on menu,then click on my equiptment.From there you will see meters next to where it says drivers,click on that and you can then choose the required meter.

    Hope this helps



    Edit after seeing Scotts post i now realise you may of been on about the EZ club meter doh!

  • ScottHope
    10,683 Posts
    Thu, Jan 9 2014 2:40 PM

    Okay Russell, no worries. I've kinda got used to checking for the EZ swing clubs now when people post a query like this one.

    He might even thank you for pointing out some new meters for him to try out ; )

  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Thu, Jan 9 2014 10:19 PM

    I wonder if anyone's really using the other meters,
    seems none of the other ones really took off.

  • ScottHope
    10,683 Posts
    Fri, Jan 10 2014 1:37 AM

    There was a flurry of posts a while back about the 3-click meter being screwed up by an update I think, but that might just have been a cache clear out issue. Very rarely hear anything about the vertical one though.

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Fri, Jan 10 2014 1:56 AM


    I wonder if anyone's really using the other meters,
    seems none of the other ones really took off.

    Lot's of people use home-made 'shot pal' type devices,electronic or paper stick on versions, so I'm not surprised. I use an electronic version (WGT Caddy) so I'm not even willing to look at the alternative meters and I can only imagine what effect a lump of paper or plastic stuck to the middle of your screen would have on your game. That maybe a significant reason for the apparent lack of uptake of these new meters.

  • borntobesting
    9,786 Posts
    Fri, Jan 10 2014 3:44 AM

    The vertical meter is just too hard to follow after using the original for over 4 years. It might fill a need for newer players who haven't got the original meter ingrained in their mind. I like the fact that the word original on the original meter can be used as sort of a shot pal.

    1,141 Posts
    Fri, Jan 10 2014 4:43 AM

    I can only imagine what effect a lump of paper or plastic stuck to the middle of your screen would have on your game.



    wow .... im pretty proud of my...home made clear gage i use ..that sits on the very bottom of my screen ...and in NO way obstructs any other thing i do ...

    wanna MATCH ???   ...... bring it .... 



  • ScottHope
    10,683 Posts
    Fri, Jan 10 2014 4:59 AM

    I don't think John was running down anyone's home made shot/putter pal 2dam. I believe he meant that having one stuck to the centre of the screen next to the vertical meter would be a little impractical.

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