Running a club can be a huge headache as well as being hugely rewarding. I've made a lot of new friends with other CC owners, asked advice, given advice. biggest thing for me was having something social whilst playing. I created the website and initially was a heavy burden, it now basically looks after itself needing minimal updates every couple of days.
The membership is amazing, i have been out for a while after an accident and the membership picked up what needed to be done and kept the club going. Some impatient players left, that was their decision but the core, ran the club incredibly well. a lot of our events have sponsors, balls, clubs, gifted regularly.
Southern is a relatively small club with a very healthy membership. The biggest challenge for me was getting a good core membership. I've never been concerned with just having names in the club, just having numbers. Had i not continually released members for non activity or non participation, we'd be well over 100 members, whats the point in having a club full of deadwood though?
All new members get the opportunity to establish themselves through activity and participation. Too many clubs i feel, place too much of a burden on playing in a certain number of tournaments, or forced participation in very, very boring tournaments. All new members at Southern have 7 days to register on the club website, if they don't, they are simply released. If players don't play in any club tournaments for 30 days but are playing within WGT, they are simply released.
Don't ram activity and participation down members throats, challenge, variety and competitive events will generate activity without you having to force players into playing.
I get a lot out of running Southern, I have just organised our 2014 tour schedule and the feedback is for me, very rewarding. Seeing our chat box as busy as it is, is for me, very rewarding. seeing the club forum and the club website is for me, very rewarding.
There has been some huge headaches along the way and times where i think, why did i bother, then i look at the membership that have made Southern their WGT home and it just makes it all worthwhile.
Tal Owner of