to bad u cldn't watch these guys shot such increditable scores 51 CMON like they didn't have a cheat program and for ever one else that can shoot 55 and less all have a cheat program wld be easy to ban all these players,,and give the real players of the game a chance ;;Its very sad that U'all have to cheat to play a GAME!!!!!!!!!!
I agree there is cheating here, but your bar is stupid. Your bar is essentially saying, I put zero effort into doing what is necessary to play better, I play drunk, stoned and stupid. I have never asked for advise, or done anything whatsoever to take my game to the next level, I do not now or ever will do anything to improve. I don't have the time, patience or will to do anything either, but I expect to be the best player here.
People have put in a tremendous amount of effort, time and investment to shoot those scores, were some cheating? likely, were some not?, absolutely.
There is a ton of evidence that the best players here are shooting low scores without cheating. The have invested the time and effort into their game to improve and are reaping the rewards. But they are also open to helping other players with a desire to improve and provide lessons, videos, charts and advise. These are top notch, upstanding and outstanding players, in addition they are kind and generous individuals. These people have no place inside your selfish and stupid bar.
EDIT: I'm not even sure anymore why I felt the need to respond to a mentally challenged 8 year old, but it's done now oh well.