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Why is this so complicated????

Thu, Feb 14 2013 3:20 AM (30 replies)
  • dscroggs4
    113 Posts
    Tue, Sep 7 2010 7:29 AM

    tour avg is 286 yes...but that is also factoring in them hitting 3 woods 5 woods..2 irons off the tee.....nearly every pro can grip and rip a driver 300+ when they need to and now a days it's no big deal for them to hit it 340+ , i will say the driver isn't the problem's hte 3 wood and irons that's the problem....every single pro can hit a 5 iron 200 yards.....all of them...yet we have to hit 3  iron or hybrid to get that distance....


    2 reasons scores in this game are lower are..b/c of ease of putting  and ease of getting off the tee...they should make the driver much harder to hit than it and force people to hit 3 wood off the tee.....then and only then will the game become more realistic...

  • neildiamond11790
    1,115 Posts
    Tue, Sep 7 2010 7:46 AM

    My only great shot of my round 2 weeks ago was a 9 rion from 162 out that left me 10ft left of the pin, amazing, 9 iron 162yds.  Or how about SW from 115.  Or how I was hitting 7 iron up to 200yds off the tee.  I am not a pro in real life but I have or had those distances with my irons.  Hopefully there will be some new clubs coming soon that can match what most pros and long hitting amateurs can do. 

  • hesomist
    62 Posts
    Tue, Sep 7 2010 8:55 AM


    it is entirely to easy to putt the ball from 12-30 feet...i would imagine in real life on the PGA tour the % of those putts being made is probably around 12-15%   on this game it's around 50% and for the sicko's it's higher than that...

    where are you getting your information that 50% of putts 12-30 feet are made?  I see in your stats you make 5.57% of putts from 10-25 ft.  Mine is 7.34%, and the two major winners, BB and AvLee, are at 9.41% and 9.77%, respectively.

    Make sure you've done your research before making a claim such as this.

  • Script
    621 Posts
    Tue, Sep 7 2010 12:06 PM


    .make putts outside 15 feet more challanging...that is the reason for all the low is entirely to easy to putt the ball from 12-30 feet

    Care to share your secrets for making 12 to 30 footers??


    Andy, nothing to do with putting...this post should get an emmy nomination!  LOLOLOLOL


  • dscroggs4
    113 Posts
    Tue, Sep 7 2010 3:46 PM

    u guys are cute...LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL so funny 


    See below..those are my let's add all these up shall we.... they = 63.41% so where did the other 37% of my putts go?????  ya guys let's use these stats b/c they are clearly accurate....... and make funny joke's to be THREAD TROLLS then let's type LOLOLOLOL in we seem real cool...... cute

    % Putts Made from 0 - 5 Feet 45.22%
    % Putts Made from 5 - 10 Feet 12.11%
    % Putts Made from 10 -25 Feet 5.58%
    % Putts Made from 25 - 50 Feet 0.46%
    % Putts Made from 50+ Feet


    there is aboslutely no way i'm only making 1 out of 10 putts from 5-10 feet as these suggest or 1 out of 20 from 10-25 feet as these stats suggest not sure what these stats are...but they clearly are not accurate as to putts made within the said distance.....cute post though guys.....u sure got me...... damn idiots

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Sep 7 2010 4:23 PM

    It looks like there's some kind of bug, ds. You and I have the exact same putts per hole average, 1.57 and my 5-10 ft % is 9.96!! It used to be something in the 40s.

  • dscroggs4
    113 Posts
    Tue, Sep 7 2010 6:28 PM

    i know yankee i was making fun of the trolls that are clueless that posted above me.....

  • hesomist
    62 Posts
    Tue, Sep 7 2010 7:21 PM

    i have to admit, the stats are kind of funky, but there's no way i make even close to 50% of my putts from 12 to 30 feet.  I may make around 1 in 3 from 12 feet, but 30 footers I probably make 1 in 20, if that.  Kuddos to those who can easily hole putts from this distance consistently.

  • jcs89
    172 Posts
    Tue, Sep 7 2010 7:42 PM

    dscroggs4 wrote:

    2 reasons scores in this game are lower are..b/c of ease of putting  and ease of getting off the tee...they should make the driver much harder to hit than it and force people to hit 3 wood off the tee.....then and only then will the game become more realistic...


    I think he is on to something here.  Driving is relatively easy on this game.  We hit driver on most every par 4 and 5.  Make it more difficult and instead of moving the tees back and reward a ding with extra distance.

    The main reason i joined this site was its promise to be the most realistic golf game available, and it probably is.  But there is definitely room for improvement.

    One of the most unrealistic things about wgt is the ability for a hack to hit the ball the same distance as a master or legend.  I am a hack in real life. Even using, say, Bubba Watson's driver, i could not come close to equaling his distance.  It is not the club that provides the driving distance of a's the golfers ability.  Let a hack or amateur swing the same club but limit the distance achievable. Upgrade distance when a new tier is achieved.  When have you ever bought a real driver with a distance specified?...not realistic

    Somehow provide the possibility for mishits...say topping the ball or chunking it..(the only way this occurs is by a messed up meter).  That would be realistic.

    Give us the ability to swing harder but at the risk of lost accuracy...that is real life. If you want to try for the big drive..go for it!...but be careful! 

    Make it a 3 click method where you can't zero in on distance control if you want to make the game more challenging.  Don't simply speed the greens up and move the tee boxes back for legends then allow everyone else the ability to achieve the same distance...not realistic.

    By the way...i love the putting far the most realistic part of the game for me.

  • dscroggs4
    113 Posts
    Wed, Sep 8 2010 3:29 AM


    i think he is on to something here.  Driving is relatively easy on this game.  We hit driver on most every par 4 and 5.  Make it more difficult and instead of moving the tees back and reward a ding with extra distance.

    The main reason i joined this site was its promise to be the most realistic golf game available, and it probably is.  But there is definitely room for improvement.

    One of the most unrealistic things about wgt is the ability for a hack to hit the ball the same distance as a master or legend.  I am a hack in real life. Even using, say, Bubba Watson's driver, i could not come close to equaling his distance.  It is not the club that provides the driving distance of a's the golfers ability.  Let a hack or amateur swing the same club but limit the distance achievable. Upgrade distance when a new tier is achieved.  When have you ever bought a real driver with a distance specified?...not realistic

    Somehow provide the possibility for mishits...say topping the ball or chunking it..(the only way this occurs is by a messed up meter).  That would be realistic.

    Give us the ability to swing harder but at the risk of lost accuracy...that is real life. If you want to try for the big drive..go for it!...but be careful! 

    Make it a 3 click method where you can't zero in on distance control if you want to make the game more challenging.  Don't simply speed the greens up and move the tee boxes back for legends then allow everyone else the ability to achieve the same distance...not realistic.

    By the way...i love the putting far the most realistic part of the game for me.



    Agree 100%.....not everyone should be hitting the same club the same's the key reason for the game realistic issues...increase distance as you increase ....or have a practice/attributes section where you can earn attributes for differnt parts of the practicing or completing task.....and i also think there should be an option to over swing that would increase the mishit factor if you are off center...example have the meter go up to 120% with every % you go over 100% increasing the mishit if the ball is mishit....and at the same time increasing the speed of the meter the further you go past 100% the faster the meter is coming back......


    This would truly seperate the men from the boys....and also require a more thought out game greater club selection...placement all these things would add to the realism of the game....