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Ready-Go "Best Of WGT" tournament

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Tue, Jan 28 2014 2:42 PM (2 replies)
  • CStaddon
    48 Posts
    Thu, Jan 23 2014 6:07 PM

    Hi, I have just started my game and am on the 2nd hole. The ball trickled to 2 feet from the cup - and my (very gentle) putt should have dropped straight in ... but it didn't. Or did it? The game made the blissful sound of a putt.... and the ball disappeared ... But it then re-appeared - on the other side of the cup.

    And to my intense indignation, it then proceeded to roll uphill, finally stopping 13 feet from the hole. Is this a bug, a technical blip or a strange quirk of the green of the 2nd at the Congressional? Wouldn't mind normally - I do have a sense of humour - but not when I've invested 100 credits to play and it's blatantly robbed me of a valuable par!!!

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Mon, Jan 27 2014 3:03 PM

    I think it's safe to assume you scrolled your mouse by accident and used a much bigger power scale then you thought. It should perfectly explain what had happened there.

  • CStaddon
    48 Posts
    Tue, Jan 28 2014 2:42 PM

    Overhitting wasn't even in my considerations. It was a 2 foot uphill putt; I gave it a gentle tap, the ball went up to the cup as usual, disappeared as usual (registering the putt with the usual "click-click"). THEN, for no discernible reason, it reappeared the other side of the cup (as if it was standing still) - and accelerated, uphill and away to 13 feet from the hole.

    I've seen balls reappear when you're given a "gimmee" (Your ball's right back there when the next player takes their shot!!!).  I thought that might indicate a glitch. But the difference with "gimmees" is... the ball doesn't proceed to race away...costing you another shot.