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Notice to all Hacks, Ams, Pro & Tour Pros, Master & T Masters.

Mon, Jan 27 2014 2:05 PM (13 replies)
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  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Sun, Jan 26 2014 4:22 AM

    My friend and I , we are both Legends now, even nearing TL, but that is irrelevant, have played this game for nearly 3 years.

    At the beginning we progressed quickly through the lower levels, but when we reached master and Tour Master, our AS games were so much fun because occasionally we were delighted to get legend opponents, and when we beat them it was pure joy.

    We both never forget how we started, and how we improved, and in my case the generosity of fellow members, which aided us along our way.

    Now we are at a higher level we both have never forgottten how we started and we both enjoy a game of AS with anybody of any skill level, but when a pair of players accept a game and then DC after 1 hole, I get pi$$ed orf.

    Do they want to have a fun game ( losing and winning isn't the point ) and perhaps learn a few things, well it seems to me not.

    I have gifted sets of wedges to players just because I want them to enjoy the game more, and I also take a perverse delight in seeing them struggle with fast greens, but both my mate and I love to play and help these players.

    Don't run away from us, we are not ogres and u will be surprised at the genersosity u may receive if U have the right attitude to playing this game

     1i ®

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sun, Jan 26 2014 4:44 AM

    Well said 1i. The old school players seem quite different than the new crop. We enjoy playing, they worry more about gaming. This does not go for all new players but a good percentage. This is a Game, but it is a Golf Game. Same rules and respect need to be considered at all times.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Sun, Jan 26 2014 4:58 AM

    Thank u Ren, a compliment from u is a compliment indeed.

  • shinyfoxy
    1 Posts
    Sun, Jan 26 2014 8:46 AM

    this is nice to read for a rookie as myself. Joined not to long ago and find that a lot of " seasoned"  players run from us rookies.  In away understandable perhaps but just as annoying to us as it is the other way around. I am sure (as stated before in a previous post) we can learn a lot from you guys.


  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sun, Jan 26 2014 3:27 PM

    Any time shiny, I'm not the best one to teach you the finer points, but we can have some fun, chat it up and you can whoop up on the old squirrel. I always enjoyed playing with the big boys, when they would let me, and I enjoy playing with the newer members. We can all learn from each other.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Jan 26 2014 4:15 PM

    this is nice to read for a rookie as myself. Joined not to long ago and find that a lot of " seasoned"  players run from us rookies.  In away understandable perhaps but just as annoying to us as it is the other way around. I am sure (as stated before in a previous post) we can learn a lot from you guys.

    Read this thread and thought " I'll try that, can pass it along and be generous too, with the right ppl"....4 removals from lobby later I gave up....seems lower tiers are more prone to not want to play with higher tiers ???


  • omniscient
    11 Posts
    Sun, Jan 26 2014 4:49 PM


    this is nice to read for a rookie as myself. Joined not to long ago and find that a lot of " seasoned"  players run from us rookies.  In away understandable perhaps but just as annoying to us as it is the other way around. I am sure (as stated before in a previous post) we can learn a lot from you guys.


    i know the feeling! i even made a thread about people running away from me just about every game ive played and its quite frustrating (named the thread "the epidemic" if u wanna check it out).


    on a side note, i'd love to play with you guys and learn what you guys have figured out, i recently got to tour pro and had to take a smell step back on how i read greens now cuz they break a lot more (which makes sense, but hard to get used to).  if OP or OP's friend ever are interested in sharing ur wisdom with me or just playing in general, shoot me a message.  i also have skype/vent/mumble/teamspeak all available and if you have another communication program that you prefer to use i wouldnt mind downloading it to play some games and chat during the night.  im typically online at night => early morning and sometimes during the day friday/sat PST. hit me up! i'd love playing with the big dogs, still new to the game (~2 weeks) but i feel im picking it up pretty quick and would love to chat with other above average players

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sun, Jan 26 2014 6:44 PM

    above average players, Hell that leaves me out. 

  • 2funtoyz
    66 Posts
    Sun, Jan 26 2014 7:44 PM

    It doesn't matter to me what their level is, I just enjoy playing, and try to make suggestions that might help. It's a lot more fun to chat while playing, rather than hitting a couple of bad shots and quiting.

  • josephk2317
    873 Posts
    Sun, Jan 26 2014 8:47 PM

    Nice post; reminds me of those Friday nights staying up late after work to play Alt/Shot with various Legends & Tour Masters. They all would be well under par midway through the game, as I was struggling just stay

    But I stayed in  the game to LEARN from them not try and beat them; the tips I picked up helped me tremendously through my own game. Which is priceless. No matter how many tutorials are created on here, you just can not beat actually playing and learning from someone with deep knowledge & skills for this game. 

    A special thank you to all of the players who helped me out during my time spent on here:

    You all know who you are and I appreciate your help,kindness, and patience



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