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A couple suggestions

rated by 0 users
Thu, May 28 2009 5:59 AM (0 replies)
  • monkeyass
    31 Posts
    Thu, May 28 2009 5:59 AM

    So, I've played WGT since the charity days, and have enjoyed a lot of it.  But recently I have been forced to come here.  After spending money on some upgrades, I think its safe to put forth some arguements.

    First of all, I think that there should be a 25, 50, 75 percent marker on the power bar.  We [golfers] have half swings and three quarter swings and I think it should be represnted a little better in the game (re: a little easier to judge).

    Second, I think that replays should remember where the bar was clicked to start and stop.  I have had what looked to be a well aligned shot, (ground, wind, distance accounted for) and the ball goes the complete wrong way.  This way, I don't look like a crazy if I accuse the game of a glitch.

    I also think that you should get a discount upgrading the same type of clubs, so you don't cheat the early adopters of older clubs when newer clubs are released.

    Hope that makes sense.  Thanks for reading