Hello E'one,... I usually don't post in the forums that much, but I do read and I do frequent them as much as possible.... and at times I want to chime in and "blast" away when I have different views or different opinions about things,... but I usually keep quiet...well today I am going to be diiferent and I am going to say this and offer "my" 2 cents ........I have read alot, and I agree with some and I disagree with some, but one thing is for sure.... I may feel the same way that some of you do, and I may feel differently...but gentlemen and ladies,.... this "AIN'T NOTHIN'".... look at this and tell me if your point of view changes....
You want to complain about something...... well until we have anything near this to complain about.... I suggest we just shut up and play the game, ....by the way,... this hits close to home,,, so I hope there are no wise cracks!!
I hope this works... if not I can give you the website,... just watch the video...