Now if only I can stop lipping out putts 3 and 4 times in a row, hitting shots 50 yards despite it saying the max is 25, having my swing bar interrupt and then speed up ridiculously quickly and then noticing scores in the 50's when I can barely get a par - your post is good news?
Let's say that as to be the very first post is very pedantic.
I got 250members in my country club, they are not friends but I got single messages for everyone of them so yes, my post is a good news for me, even if in what I wrote I do not find the word "good". Your answer is off topic and not a new, it's the routine for the ev'ryday players so next time, before post in a "message" thread, find out ones for soothe your sufferings during the game play.
Those kind of responses piss me off ev'rytime.
What else, over the SP good post, ever try to change your mouse position.
Got in the right didn't mean you're left-hended, dude.