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Seriously, what is wrong with this game?

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jan 31 2014 9:50 AM (2 replies)
  • Jbenvenut
    1 Posts
    Thu, Jan 30 2014 8:46 PM

    I make excellent shots and somehow they keep going the wrong way. First of all, I have repeated the same round every time and the shots just keep going the opposite way they went before which was the opposite way they went before that and so on. This game makes no sense at all. It is very frustrating to keep doing different things and keep getting the same result when it should be doing differently.

    For example, I know the green has some curves and there's a hill that makes the ball go slower and towards me. The first time I hit it soft and I know I'm not hitting it hard enough and ends up just a couple of inches from the hole. I restart the game, do the same thing, I go to the green, I give the ball just a little bit more power and all of the sudden the shot goes to the rough. Seriously, fix that because it is extremely frustrating.

    The WGT Baseball is a lot more realistic than this thing even though it has worse graphics than this. And don't come up to me and say that golf shots are never the same because in a game where your power and your accuracy is being measured, it gives exactly the same result but goes nowhere near the same way (being the same course and everything else the same), well that's just not a game but you are giving a disadvantage to some players. If there's a hill and at first you hit it too soft, the second time you hit it just 2.5% harder with the same accuracy then the shot SHOULD GO 2.5% harder with the same accuracy, not 20% harder with no accuracy at all. 

  • ScottHope
    10,646 Posts
    Fri, Jan 31 2014 2:15 AM

    When putting, be sure to check your meter distance, this is very important, because when you are on the fringe, the meter distance is invariably is set too high.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Fri, Jan 31 2014 9:50 AM


    for best results, I would recommend reading all or at least a putting guide from our tips forum. once you read that, you could try again and then see if applying those ideas can help you be more consistent. after that, we can try answering additional questions you have :)
