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Tourney Manager ... now with Handicap Calculator

Wed, Feb 12 2014 9:57 AM (21 replies)
  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Fri, Jan 31 2014 6:34 PM

    Hi all.  I finally finished the latest and greatest tournament manager.  It now includes player handicapping, including player trending, a gross and net score detail history worksheet and an easy way to get these reports setup to where you can "save as" a pdf file for sharing.

    Here are some sample videos I recorded to show you how the spreadsheet works.  The first one is the Setup Members macro.  When you start using the tournament manager, you will need to setup all of your members.  This macro does this for you quickly and automatically.  All you need to do is copy your members into the windows clipboard, then click the "Continue" button.  That's it.  All your members will be transferred.

    Check out the video: 

    The next step you'll need to do if you're planning on running "net score" tournaments is establish each member's handicap.  The macro that is included with the tournament manager will handle this quickly and easily.  You simply enter a "revision date", then select the member from a prefilled list.  Once you have a member selected, you click a button to load their WGT profile, then load their score history.  When you're finished copying all their scores into the Windows clipboard, just return to the program and click load scores.  Then you can use one of 3 options to calculate handicaps.  You can also set your own number of decimal places for the handicap index and the par value.  You can adjust the handicap further by adding, subtracting, multiplying by or dividing by a set value.  When everything is set, click "Calculate", then "Post Handicap".  That's it.  The boring part ... you'll need to do this for every member in your CC, and you'll want to revise the handicaps at least once a month.  But it is easy to run ... just takes a while based on your CC's member size.

    Check out the video: 

    Once you have your member's handicapped, you can paste and update the tournament scores quickly and easily.  You only have to tell the macro if you're posting a 9 hole or 18 hole tournament; whether it's gross or net, then let the macro paste the scores to a Game Clipboard.  If you have a makeup round, you can add it to the tournament just as easily.  Once you have all the scores for the round transferred, you select Update, choose the scoring method, enter a tournament title and hyperlink then click the update button.  This feature is extremely fast.  In the sample video, there are 8 rounds updated, and it took 12 minutes from start to finish.

    Check out the video:  

    Finally, to make your life easier, there is a reports generator.  This macro will setup the print range, the page headers and the orientation for you.  When your finished, you can use the "Save As" feature to create a PDF file you can share with all of your members.  This is so easy, you'll be able to share updates as often as you wish.

    Check out the video:  

    Now here's the requirements of the Tournament Manager.  You'll need to have Microsoft Excel, version 2007 or greater in order to use it.  You will also need to have an internet connection.  That's it.

    This is a "shareware" spreadsheet.  I hope if you use it, you'll consider sending me a sleeve or two of Nike Level 81 golf balls.  There's more than 100 hours of programming time in this program; so a sleeve isn't really much, considering all the time it will save you or your tournament manager.

    So now you're asking, where do I get it.  Well, since I like simple, downloading the new Tourney manager is relatively simple.  Just make sure you download the version 3.0 spreadsheet and the documentation.  The sample videos are also there if you want to use them as a training aid. So ...

    to download the Tournament Manager and documentation, 

    Edit:  No longer available.

    Note:  If the link does not work, just copy and paste to your browser.

    I truly hope you enjoy this time saver!  Enjoy!

    Kat ♥

    Edit:  The links didn't work that well ... added videos instead.

  • justacowboy
    1,338 Posts
    Fri, Jan 31 2014 6:45 PM

    dam your kool kat  ty  .....good person you are

  • Dougie4042
    4,410 Posts
    Fri, Jan 31 2014 7:53 PM

    Very nice, Kat!  I'll let Shok30 (Scott) know about it.  :)

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Mon, Feb 3 2014 8:33 AM

    I have a question for CC owners.  I understand there is an additional field on the CC Member's CC List than on the regular member's CC list.  Can one of you please give me the fields that are available to you?  The CC Members macro won't work if you're using the CC Owners CC list.  If I can get this info, I can change the code so it will work.



  • EdJaws
    402 Posts
    Mon, Feb 3 2014 9:07 AM

    The fields:



    joined club





    ranked rounds

    best round

    last round

    remove player,,, though this is not actually a field you can sort by


    The sort by fields:


    Total Earnings

    Join Date



    Average Score

    Total Ranked Rounds

    Best Round

    Date Last Played

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Mon, Feb 3 2014 9:36 AM

    Way cool.  TYVM, EdJaws!  I'm glad to see it is added at the end and not the beginning!  Quick and easy fix.

    Also Ed ... I'll see what I can do to get this working with OODB and Open Office's Calc program ... that one's free.


  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Tue, Feb 4 2014 4:56 PM

     When I started this modification, I felt it was going to be a huge waste of my time.  While the amount of time it took to get the Tourney Manager operational was self-rewarding, I can see by the lack of interest that I was right ... just a huge waste of time.  I won't be running this program.  Looks like no one will.

    I'll be shutting down the share link effective immediately.  I gave it a gallant attempt and proved it can be done quickly and easily.   Some of you may have downloaded the code.  If you run into problems with it, let me know.  I'll do what I can to keep you up and running.  To those of you who downloaded the program for the code ... I hope I shared some insight into writing macros and gave you some ideas.

    My best to everyone!  The challenge was fun.  I think I'll keep these challenges to myself from here on out.

  • GordyKenmuir
    248 Posts
    Fri, Feb 7 2014 2:56 PM

    Damn I was just looking for something and found this thread...I would have loved a copy of the code :-( I could have really used it

  • spaceghost88
    1,624 Posts
    Sun, Feb 9 2014 1:43 PM

    Thank you very much for the work and sharing it..Great folks like yourself keep the hope for those in distress ; ] ; ] A++

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sun, Feb 9 2014 1:57 PM


    Thank you very much for the work and sharing it..Great folks like yourself keep the hope for those in distress ; ] ; ] A++

    Sorry, Spaceghost ... I yanked the link a while ago.  It's no longer available.