Hey there, so apologies for my remedialness when it comes to some of this stuff. I am pretty good with excel, but not VBA and macros. I totally appreciate that you did this in your own time and for free, so if you are busy and want to tell me to get lost I will understand :-)
On the members sheet, I would love to be able to add two columns, for average and level, is that easy to do? Essentially to hack your import macro, and if so, does it have knock on effects to others?
Secondly, the handicap calc macro, What is the significance of the CCs Par Value? I see the default is 60, is this the best number, or should it be 70 or 72, or what is a good way to determine the right value?
I am taking over a club admin from someone else and don't want the members to flip out over a huge change in hdcp values or calcs.
That is as far as I have gotten so far, though I am sure there will be more questions, and appreciate any help you can give