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Tourney Manager ... now with Handicap Calculator

Wed, Feb 12 2014 9:57 AM (21 replies)
  • GordyKenmuir
    248 Posts
    Sun, Feb 9 2014 2:02 PM

    Daddy'sKat, what would it take to get a copy :-)

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sun, Feb 9 2014 2:10 PM


    Daddy'sKat, what would it take to get a copy :-)

    I thought you were the one that did the legwork and sent a "request to share" from Google Drive.  You should already have access to the spreadsheet.  Check your personal e-mail.  The link to the drive should be there.  I don't know how the "explicit sharing" works with google drive, but you have access to the drive via your personal e-mail address.


  • GordyKenmuir
    248 Posts
    Sun, Feb 9 2014 3:11 PM

    Hmm, I was, but never got an email that it had been shared. I will try the link again

  • GordyKenmuir
    248 Posts
    Sun, Feb 9 2014 3:17 PM

    Yes that worked thanks, looks like I got my night's entertainment to figure out how it all works :-) TYVM


  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sun, Feb 9 2014 3:21 PM


    Yes that worked thanks, looks like I got my night's entertainment to figure out how it all works :-) TYVM


    Read the documentation.  If you still have questions, let me know ... also, if it appears too complicated, send me a friend invite, and I'll walk you through it in a game mode chat.

  • GordyKenmuir
    248 Posts
    Mon, Feb 10 2014 3:35 PM

    Will do, hoping to get into it tonight or tomorrow, so will let you know

  • GordyKenmuir
    248 Posts
    Mon, Feb 10 2014 4:24 PM

    Hey there, so apologies for my remedialness when it comes to some of this stuff. I am pretty good with excel, but not VBA and macros. I totally appreciate that you did this in your own time and for free, so if you are busy and want to tell me to get lost I will understand :-)

    On the members sheet, I would love to be able to add two columns, for average and level, is that easy to do? Essentially to hack your import macro, and if so, does it have knock on effects to others?

    Secondly, the handicap calc macro, What is the significance of the CCs Par Value? I see the default is 60, is this the best number, or should it be 70 or 72, or what is a good way to determine the right value?

    I am taking over a club admin from someone else and don't want the members to flip out over a huge change in hdcp values or calcs.

    That is as far as I have gotten so far, though I am sure there will be more questions, and appreciate any help you can give

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Mon, Feb 10 2014 4:43 PM


    I sent you a friend request.  Maybe we can discuss your ideas in private.  Send me a Private Message and we can discuss.

    To answer your above questions ... Average and Level were left off because they do tend to change quite regularly.  If you follow the USGA Handicapping system, you should only want to do updates at most twice a month.  Lower level players will level up extremely quickly.  Also, good lower tier players will also have rapid changes to their average.

    As far as a default par value ... you can set it to whatever value you wish.  The 60 was established with a test CC that had several low average Legends as well as several Tour Legends.  This number just happened to keep their handicaps low.  The par value you use shouldn't matter, as long as you maintain that par value for everyone.

    Finally, you may want to setup special CC Tournaments specifically for handicapping.  These should be "single round" games.  It doesn't matter if you use 9 or 18 hole games, just move them from course to course to establish a larger pool from which your handicaps are calculated.

  • cobaltm
    3,961 Posts
    Tue, Feb 11 2014 2:08 PM

    Finally, you may want to setup special CC Tournaments specifically for handicapping.  These should be "single round" games.  It doesn't matter if you use 9 or 18 hole games, just move them from course to course to establish a larger pool from which your handicaps are calculated.


  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Tue, Feb 11 2014 2:17 PM


    Finally, you may want to setup special CC Tournaments specifically for handicapping.  These should be "single round" games.  It doesn't matter if you use 9 or 18 hole games, just move them from course to course to establish a larger pool from which your handicaps are calculated.


    In agreement, Cobalt, or was this a facetious rebuttal?