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Tue, Feb 4 2014 10:10 AM (2 replies)
  • jbh1212
    102 Posts
    Tue, Feb 4 2014 9:01 AM

    There is to many errors with this game.....No matter how many times i complain,or other complain,wgt do nothing but come up with a answer,i heard in 2011. Honest is always the best form off a answer. I also dont care who cheats or who  doesn't,  because  at end off the day that person is cheating themselves. I am just tired of  W G T adjusting speeds and false winds,because they cant see anyone have a good round.......the equipement ie balls are not last the duration either......fix it or bye bye....plenty games out there.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Tue, Feb 4 2014 9:44 AM


    There is to many errors with this game.....No matter how many times i complain,or other complain,wgt do nothing but come up with a answer,i heard in 2011. Honest is always the best form off a answer. I also dont care who cheats or who  doesn't,  because  at end off the day that person is cheating themselves. I am just tired of  W G T adjusting speeds and false winds,because they cant see anyone have a good round.......the equipement ie balls are not last the duration either......fix it or bye bye....plenty games out there.

    And no matter how many times , that you have complained , you managed to reach Tour Legend Lv 97 . You over came everything wrong with the game , and yet , you complain . Yes the game has it`s flaws . Game quality needs to be improved , and programming needs to have sensible application . I understand how you feel , but quitting is not the answer .Sounds like you just need to take a break . Back off for a few days , take a deep breath . Then come back , and have at it again . Its ok to vent , we all do it from time to time . Hope this helps .:-) 


  • ducati749spr
    1 Posts
    Tue, Feb 4 2014 10:10 AM

    Bonjour a tous les wgtistes.

    voici ma question: lors d égalité a un tournoi en stroke play qui gagne? on peut etre classé 85ème(par ex)  mais égalité avec le 10ème sachant que les 70 premier gagnent

    excusez pour l explication ne suis pas sur d avoir été clair