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How does this work????

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Sat, Feb 8 2014 11:33 PM (10 replies)
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  • mccjoh58
    8 Posts
    Thu, Feb 6 2014 9:48 PM

    How does it work where you have 10 golfers with the same score. One of these golfers is in frst place all by himself and the other 9 with theexact same score as his are all tied for second place. I'm sure there is a reason and maybe even a logical one, but I guess I'm not smart enough to know the answer.


    DOES ANYONE??? so they can explain it to me.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Feb 7 2014 12:15 AM
  • mccjoh58
    8 Posts
    Sat, Feb 8 2014 10:29 AM

    I still don't understand because everyone in the tournament was the same tier.

  • ScottHope
    10,568 Posts
    Sat, Feb 8 2014 11:57 AM

    Are you reading the right bit from Alanti's link?

    "In the event of a tie, the better scoring entrant between or among the tied entrants will be the entrant with the lowest combined score for the final nine (9) holes of the Game. If any ties remain, the better scoring entrant between or among the remaining tied entrants will be the entrant with the lowest combined score for the final six (6) holes for such Game. If any ties remain, the better scoring entrant between or among the remaining tied entrants will be the entrant with the lowest combined score for the final three (3) holes for such Game. If any ties remain, the better scoring entrant between or among the remaining tied entrants will be the entrant with the lowest score for the 18th hole (9th for nine hole games) in such Game, and any remaining ties will be determined by identifying the lowest scoring entrant for each individual game hole, in sequence from 17th (8th for nine hole games) through to 1st, as is necessary to determine a winner, and if any ties remain at that point, the earlier-submitted entry between or among the tied entries will be deemed the better scoring entry."

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Feb 8 2014 12:12 PM

    Thanks Scott, I didn't see any reference to Tiers lol.

    Basically the tiebreak is

    On the final 9 holes, if still tied,

    Final 6 holes. if still tied,

    Final 3 holes. if still tied.

    Best Last hole, then best penultimate hole etc.

    Basically the best finishing player will win.


  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Sat, Feb 8 2014 2:10 PM


    Thanks Scott, I didn't see any reference to Tiers lol.

    Basically the tiebreak is

    On the final 9 holes, if still tied,

    Final 6 holes. if still tied,

    Final 3 holes. if still tied.

    Best Last hole, then best penultimate hole etc.

    Basically the best finishing player will win.


    And if they scored exactly the same on every hole, the player who posted his score first will be the winner.




  • Romax
    1,876 Posts
    Sat, Feb 8 2014 2:24 PM

    In Canada we call it a " countback"... A bird on the 5th may win a tourney if the tying team got a par. "Countback" can go right back to the 1st hole, but rarely does. 

  • mccjoh58
    8 Posts
    Sat, Feb 8 2014 3:34 PM

    Thank you very much, but what I think should happen is that no matter how you got to your end score or when you entered the tournament, everyone that has the same lowest score should be tied at first place. Then if there are 8 players tied at that spot they should combine the winnings 1st through 8th place and evenly split that with those 8 players.

    You may work your ass off to get to that number one spot and have one bad shot on the last hole that takes you out of first even though you are still tied with however many because one player had his one bad shot on the first hole and everone elses came on the last one. The one about whoever entered first is really rediculous, but if that's the rules and everyone is playing by them then I can live with it and still have fun. That part is just a little fustrating to me.

    Again, thanks for the explanation and play on!!!

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Feb 8 2014 3:57 PM

    And if they scored exactly the same on every hole, the player who posted his score first will be the winner.

    The last line "and if any ties remain at that point, the earlier-submitted entry between or among the tied entries will be deemed the better scoring entry."

    Appears to be first in first served!

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Sat, Feb 8 2014 4:09 PM

    The last line "and if any ties remain at that point, the earlier-submitted entry between or among the tied entries will be deemed the better scoring entry."

    Lol, I see you had this covered. I only read what I replied to and totally missed the fact it was already pointed out. But hey, better late than never ;-)

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