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Random Holes Course

Fri, Feb 7 2014 6:04 PM (1 replies)
  • DufferDaddy13
    10 Posts
    Fri, Feb 7 2014 5:27 PM

    It seems we can't expect a new stroke course anytime soon.  Could we at least have a random holes course feature, where the system picks 9 (or 18) random holes from those available in a random order.  It would increase the variety for Alt Shot, Match Play, even tourneys.  Regulars are pretty tired of the same small number of course choices, If we can't have full stroke play on Pebble Beach, Pinehurst and Chambers Bay, at least mix it up a little.

  • BubbaSauce
    260 Posts
    Fri, Feb 7 2014 6:04 PM

    This is a great idea.

    It doesn't even have to be dynamically random, i.e. whenever you choose a "random" course, the holes are chosen right there on the spot, it could be once a month and created by someone at WGT. That means the programmers don't have to figure out how to make it work, they're just put together by WGT staff. The "best of" courses were created this way, I'm sure, there's no reason why this can't be done the same way.

    Whaddayasay, Icon or Shoe. Does this sound like something that can be worked out with minimal effort?

    How about asking the members to submit their favorite collection of holes? At least you wouldn't have to do all the thinking. Just put the course together.